[img]https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-aDc2wmiga1o/VZWVJBnWilI/AAAAAAAAAO0/qlno9BW4z04/w797-h591-no/plague%2Bdoctor.png[/img] Name: Leo Age: 26 Magic: Unlike other hunters Leo does not employ the use of magic. This is because he is completely incapable of doing so. This in itself is a mystery. Why is he not able to use magic when literally everyone else can? Weapons: Leo is not your average doctor, what lines the inside of his jacket is not medicine, but poison. Along with his arsenal of homemade concoctions, Leo also wields both a cutlass and a set of flintlock pistols. Personality: A scholar among the common folk, Leo holds much knowledge that is unknown to the people of the land. Where did he receive such knowledge? This is unknown even to him. Preferring to be alone, Leo often locks himself away from the world in order to focus on his studies. Despite the fact that he dresses as if he was a doctor, Leo has little experience in the field of medicine. What he excels in is chemistry, or what this world would call alchemy. He is a scientist, a mad one at that. Performing experiments that often lead to an explosive conclusion, it is a miracle that no one has lost a limb as a result. Those that encounter Leo say that he gives off a somewhat mysterious aura. He is weird, to say the least. An odd man who more often than not makes little to no sense. You'd have to be insane to understand what was going on inside of his head. No matter how close to understanding him you seem to get, your only further away then when you first started. No one even knows what he looks like, the mask that he wears to conceal his face has not once came off in front of others. This has caused some to wonder if he is even human. Everything about him is strange, even the way he talks. The way he carries himself is completely foreign, almost as if he didn't belong in this world. Bio: Leo has no recollection of his past whatsoever, up until recently it was as if he didn't even exist. Despite this, his head is filled with knowledge completely new to this world. Chemical formulas, complex equations, they come to him as if they were second nature. After some time a single memory from prior to his awakening surfaced. The memory was of a blinding light that was followed by complete and utter darkness. It wasn't much, but it was something to go on. This memory confirmed that he did exist and that this all wasn't just a dream. Other: I'll post a picture of his face when the mask comes off.