[b]Name:[/b] Srath'Thane [b]Species:[/b] Rothian [hider=Rothian] Race Name: Rothian Home world: Rothia Average height: 7.9 feet Description: Long lived reptilian, egg-laying humanoids who are large and, while they appear relatively slender, have a high muscle density. They are bipedal with digitigrade legs and a moderately long and muscular tail, though they maintain a very straight posture. They have thick scales, giving them a minor amount of natural armor. Their hands have four clawed digits, while their feet each have three clawed digits. Compared to humans, they have less defined shoulders with thicker and longer necks, as well as a raptor-like head. Scale colors and patterns are highly variable among the population. The only noticeable external difference between males and females of the species are that females have a distinctly feminine body shape. (Similar in appearance to [url=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20061105173912/starwars/images/thumb/b/bd/Tiss%27shar_UAA.jpg/140px-Tiss%27shar_UAA.jpg]this[/url].) The technology which the Rothians use is highly advanced, boasting strong energy shields and armor plating which is both impact and heat resistant. Their soldiers wear different armor based on their role, but in general, they use lightweight plated armor made from synthetic materials that is designed to hinder mobility as little as possible. Personal energy shielding is standard among all Rothian soldiers. Their ranged weaponry, which have the same curved an flowing aesthetic as their ships and structures, their weapons are often considered large in the hands of most of the other races. [/hider] [b]Height:[/b] 8' 2" [b]Age:[/b] 93 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Rank:[/b] None [b]Appearance:[/b] Srath has dark grey scales covering his entire body, except where it fades to black along his back and the top of his head, and lightens along his front and throat to almost white. His eyes are bright blue and almost glow in contrast to his dark scales. [b]Possessions:[/b] 5 Person ship, 3 crew 2 prisoners, capable of medium range jumps. [hider=Kol'Grath][img]http://i.imgur.com/jXVmfby.jpg[/img][/hider] High Damage energy weapon with a non-leathal setting. [hider=Dual Polarity Hand Cannon] [img]http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/215/energyhandgun992x744.jpg[/img] [/hider] Light body armor with small personal shield. [b]Skills/Abilities:[/b] Decent pilot, very good with pistol weapons and hand-to-hand combat, very good investigator and liar. Lots of experience and has contacts everywhere. [b]Personality:[/b] Srath has a strong sense of honor, it drove him to his current profession of bounty hunting. He has also taken mercenary type jobs from communities for problems that GMC was unwilling to pay for. He has also been known to run emergency supplies due to his desire to help. Has issues with arrogant individuals who are apathetic to their mistakes, they tend to end up with broken faces around him. [b]History:[/b] Srath was orphaned at a very young age, he doesn't remember his parents well and has no other family. His birth parents death was never solved. He was adopted by a human family as his parents had moved from their home world. Once he'd grown up he applied to GTC security, once hired he began looking into the file on his parents death. While working for GTC he became frustrated with the work as he was unable to do any real good. Once it became known that he was looking into the death of his birth parents he was fired from GTC. Still wanting to help people he used what he'd learned while working in GTC to do what they were unwilling or unable to do. Over the course of the last fifty years he's been hunting down criminals and pirates and handing them over to local GTC authorities for a modest fee. Most of the equipment he has belonged to the people he caught, not all of it strictly legal. Even his ship was a gift from a very grateful shipyard owner who's daughter had been kidnapped by pirates. Once his adoptive parents died, he officially moved to his ship. Preferring to call it home than any of the planets under the GTC.