Wolverine went to the main gain and started slowly clawing his way through it. While Wolverine drew their fire Talon climbed up the side of the wall, at the top of the mall she leapt from it to a sniper tower. She killed the guard and took his sniper rifle. She began picking off anyone wearing a MRD uniform. Wolverine finished the gate off. He addressed the mutant prisoners. "As soon as we deactivate the collars run. Talon up in the tower will keep any MRD agents off of you until then." Wolverine jumped through a window. Inside he tore through several guards that responded to his intrusion. He left one of them alive. "Where is the power source for those collars?" The guy refused. Wolverine put his right fist to the mans left hand, he slowly extended one of his claws. The claw tore through his hand at excruciatingly slow pace. "If you don't give me the answer by the time I put the third through that hand will be almost completely useless and missing a finger or two. You wouldn't want that would you?" The MRD agent shook his head no vehemently. "Then talk." Wolverine started to extend another claw, this claw would severe at least one finger, Wolverine went slower this time. When the claw finally touched the MRD agent's middle finger he screamed to stop. He gave up the location. Wolverine punched the guy in the face knocking him out. He then taped on a device in his left ear. "Talon put a round through the generator. That should disable the collars." Before Talon could fire on the generator a Sentinel shot at her. She had just enough time to jump out off the tower before she was vaporized. "Wolverine a Sentinel just took out the tower I was on. Sniper rifle is gone. If I am to protect the prisoners I can't go after the generator."