[b] Arlese [/b] Arlese had made her way from the King and stopped by her previous conversational partner, sipping the juice she had been given. It was a wonderful drink. It was of course not like anything she had in her own country but it was very nice otherwise. As she drank she turned to see what the ruckus was about as several people had begun chatting while she had been with the king. She had begun to look him over but the King then stood and spoke, gaining her attention. “It is the time I wish to have my servants show you to your rooms for the night. You leave at dawn and the night moves swiftly.” With that several people moved forward, each addressing a specific member of the hunter team, and bowed before showing them their way to bed rooms. Arlese followed the prim looking man who had approached her, first addressing and wishing a pleasant night to the dragon. She was led to the left of the great room down a large hall where door lined each side occasionally as she reached near the end the man before her stopped and turned. “This is your room my lady. Is there anything you require?” “No, but thank you.” She nodded then and turned to open her door. The room was a single bedroom with a large over stuffed bed and a large window that looked out to a garden. This couldn’t help but make her smile as she stood looking in.