Having bounded back to the trees after his assault, Koji gave pause before turning his gaze to his fallen foe. The writhing and shriveled collapsed on the ground triggered a relieved sigh from the warrior, eyeing over his blade that was now covered in the ichor of the creature. The smell was putrid, causing Koji to cough involuntarily before wiping the weapon clean upon the tree beneath him. Something this vile and wicked... Truly this job was turning out to be more then he bargained for. Collecting himself, Koji bounded from the tree to a position not far from the badger. "[color=00a651]You've encountered creature before? Vile monster[/color]," As he spoke, Koji would idly peer over into the book as his comrade began jotting down his entry into his tome. As he closed the book and spoke of their separated party, Kojiro merely nodded in reply. Though he wasn't sure which way to look... He was lucky enough to stumble upon this group by mere chance; hunting down the others would be slightly more complicated. That is- before the badger had begun tracking signs of their wayward comrades. Taking to the trees once more, one could see Koji bounding through the canopy of the forest flanking them- though which much less vigor then before. The strain he had put on his body to not only catch up, but deal the final blow to the creature had taken it's toll. Still, he carried on, tightening his grip once the others came into view surrounded by the smaller spawns. 'Damnit!' The Dragon Bane was used to fighting massive foes, not hordes of smaller ones... As the numbers grew and encroached upon his allies, the man merely gave a heavy sigh before launching himself into the fray. With a mighty swing of his blade, he'd attempt to cleave one of the smaller creatures in two with a downward slice, standing erect as he once again bellowed out to draw attention upon him. His aura of courage would radiate outwards, seeming to envelope and encourage his comrades as he drew up his blade and waited for his opposition.