[h1][i]~~Hi~~[/i][/h1] Instead of a really fancy title, have a really fancy hi. [hr] [b]Update[/b]: Well, probably would be a good time to finally fix up, and otherwise polish things here. Yeah, gonna start working this again, maybe actually come up with new ideas for once. Really though, this is a year old now. Huh. Now to come up with new creative ideas... [hr] Hello for anyone who decided to take a peek, here you'll not find just any other general interest check, you will find just any other general interest check [i]with[/i] a giant italicized "hi" as there is a difference. To set the mood and expectations, if you can't already tell, I'm just looking to have a fun, easy going time. Now that's not to say the actual stories at hand aren't going to be serious, I feel its important not to stress out while writing, after all we're hobbyists here right? At the moment I'm trying to find a few new partners, since there isn't much I like out there I thought it'll good to make my own for once. So first I'm just gonna outline a couple of items, just what could be expected from me. -In a RP you could expect a post from me every day, now this can be varied as my posting rate does fluctuate depending on my overall engrossment into the story, everyday matters, and just level of mojo. -With each post I will typically write a good 3-4 paragraphs minimum now don't worry too much about matching my length, so long as what you write makes progress I'm happy. -Romance is actually a pretty important element for me, I believe that it adds fantastic motivation for characters, and adds a great extra dimension to relationships, plus I'd be lying if I were to say I don't like that fuzzy feeling that comes when some lovin' starts. So to make sure its known, my plot ideas have romance in mind as an ultimate objective, although still remaining secondary. -I am perfectly fine with a large range of things, be it gore, swearing or etcetera. If anything does go too far, it has to be way out there, and to clarify of course if anything becomes sexual in nature it will be in PMs, gotta follow Guild rules. -Playing both genders is perfectly comfortable for me, now I may have a preference when it comes to a particular RP, but that is easily negotiable. Actually while I used to only go with MxF, FxF couples have grown on me recently so that's another pairing that works. -My only personal expectation for potential partners is don't flake out, if something comes up or you so happen to start hating me, just say that's the case so we could peacefully parts ways without a lot of mystery involved. [hr] Now for the plots I thought up, I don't do vague parings since I think they just leave RPs directionless at least from the beginning. Update: Also I've found that some of the best RPs I've gotten from this thread are new ideas pitched by people. So yeah I really encourage you to bring your own new plots to the table if you want, seriously I want them. [hider=Displaced Through Time] The universe tends to keep matters in order, the carrots separate from the peas. So when time itself is disrupted, where the carrots are no longer separate from the peas, that becomes a problem. Two individuals, one from the past, and the other from the future represent this metaphorical time-vegetables. Somehow the order thrown off from the natural course needs to be realigned for hopefully obvious reasons mainly to ensure time wouldn't tear even more. [/hider] [hider=A Third Aggressor] Two kingdoms lie on a single, massive continent, with no other options to expand, nor any other major powers present, these two nations war for supremacy. The conflict has lasted for over a decade, both sides are depleted from the extended fighting as there are no longer enough resources, or manpower left, where most of the civilized world is left in ruins, hurting badly that even once loyal men now contemplate rebellion. Despite this neither side will back down, it was clear territory was no longer of concern, no it was complete annihilation, only one country will survive. During another bloody battle, there are two captains who serve their respective powers, both ready to strike down the other in the name of glory witness something else. Like a rolling storm and swiftly as death itself, everything comes to a stop. Every single man is left dead, slayed where they once stood, yet there are two sole survivors; the officers from before, the captains. From this point on it was no longer a two-sided war, now there was a third aggressor poised to overrun the nigh-defeated kingdoms. (For this I haven't come up with whatever the big, mean enemy will be, I'd rather cooperate to create something cool and unique before starting.) [/hider] [hider=What Goes Bump] Are you scared of the dark? Well there's reason to be, within the darkest reaches, behind any corner, beyond where even the light can reach, there are blood and flesh monsters. Old legends and wife's tales have a spec of truth to them, werewolves, vampires, cultists, eldritch gods, and forgotten beasts that man cannot even hope to classify, where their own existence bends the laws of reality. Of course such monstrosities would've ruled over the planet eons ago if it were not for a special brand of folk, people who are collectively known by the ever creative name [i]Hunters[/i]. Now Hunters aren't an organized bunch, a solo mentality is prevalent; one man tends to keep to his own matters, other Hunters only call each other by an alias, after all most keep their day job, and their old life with it. The methods used by Hunters are varied as humanity itself, still one of the most effective ways to stop the occult is with brute force, a direct assault on whatever evil decided to crop up. To this end anything is fair game really, be it old fashion blades, to modern firepower, despite what one may think a warlock doesn't do too well against a 12 gauge, and even further when Hunters tap into the mystic arts themselves, calling upon the very forces they combat against. This tale is about two newly initiated Hunters, people who were completely normal yesterday and tomorrow will hunt in the night, it is a learn-on-the-job without a mentor, now they will survive because otherwise there wouldn't be a story and that would be boring. [/hider] [hider=Muskets and Sorcery] [i]Let it be known from this day forward that we the citizens of The United Empire of Valia are no longer willing to cooperate with the barbaric people of the Samlish Republic, and war has been declared. All able bodied men and women between the ages eighteen to twenty five are hereby drafted into His Majesty's armed forces to fight on His behalf. Any and all eligible persons who fail to report to the nearest recruitment center by the end of this week with be labeled as a traitor then dealt with the harshest penalty(ies) allowed by Imperial Law. [b]Long Lived The Empire![/b] ~From the desk of the Minister of Defense. [/i] [hr] This here is a story of war taking place in a world ruled by gunpowder and sorcery. Most people are born as everyday mundane humans as it typically goes, and also in a rather stereotypical style others are given innate talents in the arcane arts. The difference here is while the average man cannot fathom the intense power of magic, he can wield one of the most violent weapons in humanity's history, the rifle. What happens from here is two ordinary citizens from a country known as The United Empire Valia are forced into a brand new conflict. Maybe one would be a member of the elite magi, perhaps both would, or possibly neither. Whatever the case will be, both are inevitably to be become involved in a very personal and direct way whether they accept this fate or not. [/hider] [hider=A Fantasy Field Trip] Many stories out there are about epic journeys of hardships, challenges, and general badassery. This is probably not going to be one of those tales. Sometimes there isn't a need for a ultimate goal, that there isn't a princess to rescue, or a world that needs saving. No, instead all that matters is a wayfarer's spirit, and insatiable wander lust. Who needs needs a quest when there is a vast world to simply see, shouldn't the experience in of itself be enough? This time there are simply two such travelers, two people who quite frankly don't have much to lose, so they pack whatever belongings they own and just go. Now perhaps they don't share the same ideals, or even particularly like each other, yet what they do share is the same desire to walk the Earth. After all this is nothing more than a Fantasy Field Trip. [/hider] [hr] I plan on adding more later on, for now these are the possibilities I present. Anyway to those who reached the end, and are considering to take me up on a most excellent adventure, just send me a PM then we'll go right into talks. Update: So I decided to change one of my policies. I will [i][b]NOT[/b][/i] respond to replies to this thread, its simply much easier for me to do things through PMs.