[center][img] http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b503/sleepingtusk/cooltext120129567998200_zpskhaibcgz.png [/img][/center] By the time everything came to a head, Crash had dosed off at the bar...yes, the hyperactive shapeshifter had managed to fall asleep on the bar. It was almost unheard of considering he rarely sat still for more than 2 minutes, the fact he was now sound asleep in a busy bustling inn was...odd. In his defence he hadn't slept very well the night before and constantly changing his shape had taken it out of him, his stamina wasn't what it used to be because of the length of time he'd been unable to use his powers. As Vicki's voice thundered around the room, Crash suddenly came to, jolting upright in a fit of surprise he spun round on his chair at a rate of knots. So fast in fact as she pointed him out for the trip to Europe he ended up slipping off the side of his chair, briefly dropping down between said chair and the one next to him before he managed a miraculous recovery and clumsily pushed himself back up and onto his feet. Satisfied that only the barkeep had seen him, he awkwardly brushed himself down before watching the exchange between Grimm and Vicki. He was a pretty easy going guy, but he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up as he eavesdropped on what Grimm was saying...to be fair it was pretty hard to miss...he narrowed his eye at the reaper, clearly disliking what he was saying. Crash was as loyal as they came, whether that made him weak or not was irrelevant, he felt that if Grimm had willingly signed himself up for this he should have been prepared to show the resistance leaders more respect then he currently was. The reapers outburst did not install any sense of companionship within Crash and made him yearn even more for his fellow Athalians. [color=red]"Almost makes me glad I'm going to Europe...[i]almost[/i]"[/color] He muttered to himself, unable to hide the fact he was deflated by Vicki's decision to send him back into the mortal realm. It weighed heavily on him that he'd finally made it back into Lavanya and now he was being thrown out of it again. [color=red]"Europe a pretty big place, I hope Promethe-saurus knows exactly where we're going, the sooner I get back here the better"[/color] Crash decided, trying to make himself feel more positive about going to Europe. He wasn't entirely sure why the swords were important but he'd seen what Marcus had done to Athalia...and he was rather of the opinion they were going to need as much help as they could get. Seeing Maria he made a beeline towards her, hanging back as she spoke to Vicki before addressing everyone else. Once the white haired woman started to move away from the main group in search of other people, he hastily trotted after her, not wanting to stop her or draw too much attention away from her current path he carried on walking beside her and quickly asked. [color=red]"Maria, if its not too much trouble could you point me in the direction...that will lead me to Prometheus, please?"[/color] He asked trying not to flush a brilliant red in embarrassment because of the informal delivery of his question. He'd not really seen much of Maria at Athalia but knowing she used to be the headmistress made him feel like he should have been addressing her in a more formal way...still he didn't want to interrupt her but he had no clue who Prometheus was let alone where he would be. [hr] [center][img] http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b503/sleepingtusk/cooltext120130320062345_zpszewpgnd8.png [/img][/center] [color=lightseagreen][i]'What kind of trickery is this...is he deliberately mocking me?'[/i][/color] Rain had to wonder why the man in front of her had chosen to masquerade as a werewolf, considering what she was. As he shot forward Rain stepped back to avoid getting caught in the middle of the two. They were not a part of her pack and it had been made perfectly clear that they were not under her leadership therefore despite knowing that this wasn't the time nor the place to actually start the duel she didn't feel the need to interfere any further. As Vicki's voice resounded around the room Rain displayed a sense of discomfort as her sharp tone pierced her sensitive ears, she noted how the other woman put herself in front of Grimm before he could follow the vampire out of the door...she also noted the severe edge to Vicki's expression and body language. Rain felt the corner of her mouth twitch up as a sense of approval passed through her, her claws retracted and she released the tension from her muscles. She didn't need to take her eyes off of Vicki to know what anyone else was thinking she could detect it through the smog of aggression hanging in the air. She raised her eyebrow as the other woman looked at her and referred to her as the reapers 'model', labels weren't something she particularly cared about but she was bothered by the hopefully unintentional suggestion that she [i]belonged[/i] to Grimm. [color=lightseagreen][i]'Please don't let that follow me here'[/i][/color] Rain lifted a hand to her face, tracing her lower lip with her index finger as she thought over what was being said. Grimm's response to the fiery woman left much to be desired however, Rain felt her eyes narrow as she watched him follow Vicki. [color=lightseagreen][i]'Impulsive response, lacking in discipline, sharp wit, intuitive, distrusting...terribly childish. Endangers the mission by allowing his personal feelings to swim to the surface'[/i][/color] Rain thought as Grimm spoke, she admitted she agreed with some of his words though she found his deliverance lacking. From her perspective, he wore his anger on his sleeve for the world to see and his words and actions painted a picture of the boy behind the man. [color=lightseagreen][i]'Hopefully everyone will be this easy to read...though father wasn't kidding when he said outsiders talk a lot'[/i][/color] She dropped her arm and shook her head at what the reaper said last however, not that she completely disagreed with him but she was of the opinion he should have left on the long winded speech from before. Her ears pricked as Maria's voice reached her, she turned towards the sound knowing instantly who the woman was by two factors, the sharp edge to her scent that suggested there was electrical energy within her and the way the people around her reacted to Maria's presence. [color=lightseagreen][i]'Perhaps this won't be so bad...definitely some interesting individuals here'[/i][/color] With a small smile on her face Rain left the inn shortly after Maria and Vicki did, listening to them speak her eyes sought out the shape of the Axel to see if he had recovered or not, more out of curiosity than concern. Hearing Maria address the crowd she turned to glance at the other woman, briefly remembering she had yet to introduce herself or swear her fealty to the leader of the resistance...still she figured it could wait until after the current mission...that way she could determine whether this was really the best move for her people. The last part of Maria's sentence made a small chuckle escape her lips as her eyebrows rose in surprise [color=skyblue]"Interesting indeed"[/color] she commented to herself in a low voice, catching sight of Axel she moved towards the vampire raising an inquisitive eyebrow as he gave Vicki a cheeky smile. [color=skyblue]"I'm not sure 'fun' is the right word..."[/color] She commented to Axel moving to stand near him as she waited for Vicki to lead the way to the boat...already feeling rather confident about taking her orders, so far Vicki had impressed her and that was enough for her to completely commit to the mission at hand.