[hider=Talon] Name: Laura Kinney Nickname: Talon, X-23 (formerly) Age: 25 Appearance: [url]http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/24800000/X-23-x-men-24806377-500-758.jpg[/url] Gender: Female Powers: Superhumanly Acute Senses: X-23 possesses superhumanly acute senses that are comparable to those of certain animals. She can see at far greater distances, with perfect clarity, than an ordinary human. She retains this same level of clarity even in near total darkness. her hearing is enhanced in a similar manner, allowing her to detect sounds ordinary humans couldn't hear at a greater distances, enough to hear a teardrop in another room that have thick walls with enough focus. She is able to recognize people and objects by scent, even if they are well hidden. She can track a target by scent, even if the scent has been greatly eroded by time and weather factors, with an extraordinary degree of success. X-23 can also use her keen sense of smell to detect lies due to chemical changes within a person's scent. These senses stem from, at least partially, her constant cellular regeneration, as are her enhanced physical capabilities. Insulated Weather Adaptation: X-23's body is highly resistant to certain elemental extremes, particularly cold, to the extent that she can sleep nude in subarctic conditions with no apparent injury. Animal Empathy: X-23 has the ability to sense the emotional state of animals on a basic level such as fear, anger, happiness or pain. She can even communicate with them to make the animal aware of her actions and or her intent. Bone Claws: X-23's skeleton includes six retractable 12-inch long bone claws, two in each arm and one in each foot, that are housed beneath the skin and muscle of her forearms. X-23 can, at will, release these slightly curved claws through her skin beneath the knuckles on each hand. The skin between the knuckles tears and bleeds, but the blood loss is quickly halted by her healing factor. X-23 can unsheathe any number of her claws at once, although she must keep her wrists straight at the moment her claws pass from her forearms into her hands. When unsheathed, the claws are entirely within her hands, allowing her to bend her wrists when they are extended. The claws are made of bone, unlike the claws of normal mammals which are made of keratin, they are sharp and dense enough to slice through substances as durable as most metals, wood, and stone. Regenerative Healing Factor: X-23's primary mutant power is an accelerated healing process that enables her to regenerate damaged or destroyed tissue with far greater efficiency than an ordinary human. She can regenerate greatly damaged or destroyed tissue with few seconds. X-23's accelerated healing powers have been commonly referred to as her mutant healing factor. The full extent and speed of X-23's healing factor isn't known. She has been shown to fully heal from numerous gunshot wounds, severe burns covering most of her body, and regenerate missing eyes within a matter of seconds. Among the more extreme depictions of her accelerated healing factor involves her having her skin, muscles, and internal organs incinerated from her skeleton only to fully regenerate the tissue within minutes. Adamantium plays a crucial role in the speed of X-23's healing as well because of the fact that it produces a poison that her immune system fights off regularly. It is said that without the Adamantium, her healing rate increases. This power even amends psychological wounds inflicted as a result of traumatic experiences. However, X-23's healing powers force her mind to suppress the memories, sometimes resulting in amnesia. * Foreign Chemical Immunity: X-23's natural healing also affords her virtual immunity to poisons and most drugs, except in massive doses. For example, it is extremely difficult for her to become intoxicated from alcohol. * Immunity to Disease: X-23's highly efficient immune system, which is part of her accelerated healing factor, renders her immune against all known Earthly diseases and infections. * Delayed Aging: In addition, X-23's healing factor provides her with an extended lifespan by slowing the effects of the aging process. X-23 was born sometime during the late 19th Century, although well over 100 years of age, X-23 retains the health, appearance and physical vitality of a man in the physical prime of her life. * Psionic Resistance: Due to a combination of her healing factor, X-23's mind is resistant to telepathic assault and probing. * Superhuman Strength: X-23's mutant healing factor enables her to push her muscles beyond the natural limits of the human body without injury, granting her some degree of superhuman strength. Her natural strength is augmented by the demand placed on her musculature due to the presence of over 50kg/100 pounds of Adamantium bonded to her skeleton, which also removes the natural limitations of the human skeletal structure by allowing her to lift weights that would damage a human skeleton. X-23 has been depicted with sufficient strength to break steel chains, and support the weight of a dozen men with one arm. X-23's strength is enough to allow her to press just about 2 tons. * Superhuman Stamina: X-23's mutant healing factor grants her high immunity against lactic acid and other fatigue toxins generated by her muscles during physical activity. X-23 can sustain herself at peak capacity for several days. Her lung capacity is at peak human level enabling her to hold breath for 6 minutes under water, making her lungs as healthy as human's lungs can get. And when her lungs stop working, she can maintain her life by continuous respiration (It can only maintain her basic life activities). * Superhuman Durability: X-23 possesses superhuman durability. This is mostly because of her healing abilities and Adamantium Skeleton, which redistributes the force of blows dealt against. However, even without her Adamantium Skeleton, X-23 does display a degree of superhuman durability. For example, she was hit by a jeep, and was unharmed. This is partially due to the fact that her skeleton, even without the Adamantium metal, is superhumanly durable. * Superhuman Speed: X-23 is able to move at low level superhuman speeds. She can attack faster than the eye could follow. Her combat speed seems more enhanced than anything else, and blitzed people before they pull their trigger fingers. * Superhuman Agility: X-23's agility, balance and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels far beyond the natural physical limits and capabilities of the finest human specimen. X-23's agility is sufficient to allow her to dodge multiple bullets, other times, able to jump extremely high and evade several yards. * Superhuman Reflexes: X-23's reflexes are similarly enhanced, they are also superior to those possessed by the finest human specimen and are equal to the likes of Captain America due to her superhumanly acute senses, although most of the time she relies highly on her regenerative healing factor. Skills: Expert Covert Ops Training: Raised in captivity, due to her extensive training as a top-secret operative, X-23 has been trained to become a living weapon. She is highly trained in the use of long range weapons and explosives, and is an expert in assassination techniques. Expert Tracker: Due to her enhanced sense of smell, Laura is a dangerous tracker and has memorized many different scents. Master Martial Artist: She is a master in hand to hand combatant, with intensive training in numerous armed and unarmed martial arts techniques do to her raise in the facility. Master Acrobat: She is an Olympic class athlete, gymnast, acrobat and aerialist capable of numerous complex maneuvers and feats. Multilingual: Laura can speak fluent American English, French, and Japanese. She might be able to speak other languages. Gifted Intellect: She possesses the ability to quickly process multiple information streams (e.g., threat assessment) and rapidly respond to changing tactical situations. Personality: Upon initially encountering her, X-23 might be mistaken for a typical young woman, calm and quiet. However, as her character evolved, she has become somewhat darker and more complex. X-23 is very taciturn, rarely uttering more than one sentence or two at a time. Because she grew up in a controlled environment, she speaks using perfect grammar, rarely using slang. She also engages in self-injury, cutting herself with her own claws; this is something she has done since a very young age. One thing that Laura has shown frequently is selflessness. Laura puts the safety and well being of her friends, family, and teammates above her own. However it is also accompanied by low self-esteem; and while Laura values the lives of those around her, she places little value on her own well-being and sometimes makes suicidal decisions. Rap Sheet: Muderer (all degrees), destruction of government property History: History: The grounds keeper that fathered James Howlett also had another child; this child would go on to have his own family. As time passes more children would be born, they would have children, eventually resulting in the birth of Sarah Kinney, a renowned geneticist who was recruited into the Weapon X project. She had an affair with her boss Doctor Martin Sutter. This affair produced Laura Kinney in the winter of 1990. Shortly after her birth Sarah Kinney was killed in a lab accident. Laura’s father took custody of Laura and made her his guinea pig. She was raised at the Weapon X facility nearly her entire life. She was raised to be a weapon. They honed her mind, body, and mutant abilities. In 2000 at the age of ten her father tested her, she was sent to kill a man who liked little girls. She passed with flying colors. From that point on her career was accelerated. Whatever an assignment required she was trained to be an expert in it. At the age of sixteen her training was over, she had Adamantium bonded to her skeleton, she was then reclassified as operational. Her first target was a politician who was asking too many questions. This politician had a penchant for hookers. X-23 was sent in undercover as a hooker; it took two weeks before the politician chose her. Since becoming operational she has never taken a day off. When Magneto raided the Weapon X facility she was on assignment in Dubai and radio silent. Upon completion of her assignment she returned to find a crater. She had nowhere else to go and had no clue where to turn to; the woods around the former facility became her home. She lived in the woods for three years months when she was approached by Xavier to join his team. Goal: She has no goal, lives day to day. [/hider] [hider=Wolverine] Name: John Patch Formerly Jim Logan & James Howlett Nickname: Wolverine, Weapon X (formerly) Age: 215 Appearance: [url]https://www.marvelheroes.com/sites/default/files/media/modelsheets/image/MarvelHeroes_ModelSheet_Wolverine_X-Force_78ar123f.jpg[/url] Gender: Male Powers: Superhumanly Acute Senses: Wolverine possesses superhumanly acute senses that are comparable to those of certain animals. He can see at far greater distances, with perfect clarity, than an ordinary human. He retains this same level of clarity even in near total darkness. His hearing is enhanced in a similar manner, allowing him to detect sounds ordinary humans couldn't hear at a greater distances, enough to hear a teardrop in another room that have thick walls with enough focus. He is able to recognize people and objects by scent, even if they are well hidden. He can track a target by scent, even if the scent has been greatly eroded by time and weather factors, with an extraordinary degree of success. Wolverine can also use his keen sense of smell to detect lies due to chemical changes within a person's scent. These senses stem from, at least partially, his constant cellular regeneration, as are his enhanced physical capabilities. Insulated Weather Adaptation: Wolverine's body is highly resistant to certain elemental extremes, particularly cold, to the extent that he can sleep nude in subarctic conditions with no apparent injury. Animal Empathy: Wolverine has the ability to sense the emotional state of animals on a basic level such as fear, anger, happiness or pain. He can even communicate with them to make the animal aware of his actions and or his intent. Bone Claws: Wolverine's skeleton includes six retractable 12-inch long bone claws, three in each arm, that are housed beneath the skin and muscle of his forearms. Wolverine can, at will, release these slightly curved claws through his skin beneath the knuckles on each hand. The skin between the knuckles tears and bleeds, but the blood loss is quickly halted by his healing factor. Wolverine can unsheathe any number of his claws at once, although he must keep his wrists straight at the moment his claws pass from his forearms into his hands. When unsheathed, the claws are entirely within his hands, allowing him to bend his wrists when they are extended. The claws are made of bone, unlike the claws of normal mammals which are made of keratin, they are sharp and dense enough to slice through substances as durable as most metals, wood, and stone. Regenerative Healing Factor: Wolverine's primary mutant power is an accelerated healing process that enables him to regenerate damaged or destroyed tissue with far greater efficiency than an ordinary human. He can regenerate greatly damaged or destroyed tissue with few seconds. Wolverine's accelerated healing powers have been commonly referred to as his mutant healing factor. The full extent and speed of Wolverine's healing factor isn't known. He has been shown to fully heal from numerous gunshot wounds, severe burns covering most of his body, and regenerate missing eyes within a matter of seconds. Among the more extreme depictions of his accelerated healing factor involves him having his skin, muscles, and internal organs incinerated from his skeleton only to fully regenerate the tissue within minutes. Adamantium plays a crucial role in the speed of Wolverine's healing as well because of the fact that it produces a poison that his immune system fights off regularly. It is said that without the Adamantium, his healing rate increases. This power even amends psychological wounds inflicted as a result of traumatic experiences. However, Wolverine's healing powers force his mind to suppress the memories, sometimes resulting in amnesia. * Contaminant Immunity: Wolverine's natural healing also affords him the virtual immunity to poisons and most drugs, except in massive doses. For example, it is extremely difficult for him to become intoxicated from alcohol. * Immunity To Disease: Wolverine's highly efficient immune system, which is part of his accelerated healing factor, renders him immune against all known Earthly diseases and infections. * Delayed Aging: In addition, Wolverine's healing factor provides him with an extended lifespan by slowing the effects of the aging process. Wolverine was born sometime during the late 19th Century, although well over 100 years of age, Wolverine retains the health, appearance and physical vitality of a man in the physical prime of his life. * Psionic Resistance: Due to a combination of his healing factor, Wolverine's mind is resistant to telepathic assault and probing. * Superhuman Strength: Wolverine's mutant healing factor enables him to push his muscles beyond the natural limits of the human body without injury, granting him some degree of superhuman strength. His natural strength is augmented by the demand placed on his musculature due to the presence of over 50kg/100 pounds of Adamantium bonded to his skeleton, which also removes the natural limitations of the human skeletal structure by allowing him to lift weights that would damage a human skeleton. Wolverine has been depicted with sufficient strength to break steel chains, and support the weight of a dozen men with one arm. Wolverine's strength is enough to allow him to press just about 2 tons. * Superhuman Stamina: Wolverine's mutant healing factor grants him high immunity against lactic acid and other fatigue toxins generated by his muscles during physical activity. Wolverine can sustain himself at peak capacity for several days. His lung capacity is at peak human level enabling him to hold breath for 6 minutes under water, making his lungs as healthy as human's lungs can get. And when his lungs stop working, he can maintain his life by continuous respiration (It can only maintain his basic life activities). * Superhuman Durability: Wolverine possesses superhuman durability. This is mostly because of his healing abilities and Adamantium Skeleton, which redistributes the force of blows dealt against. However, even without his Adamantium Skeleton, Wolverine does display a degree of superhuman durability. For example, he was hit by a jeep, and was unharmed. This is partially due to the fact that his skeleton, even without the Adamantium metal, is superhumanly durable. * Superhuman Speed: Wolverine is able to move at low level superhuman speeds. He can attack faster than the eye could follow. His combat speed seems more enhanced than anything else, and blitzed people before they pull their trigger fingers. * Superhuman Agility: Wolverine's agility, balance and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels far beyond the natural physical limits and capabilities of the finest human specimen. Wolverine's agility is sufficient to allow him to dodge multiple bullets, other times, able to jump extremely high and evade several yards. * Superhuman Reflexes: Wolverine's reflexes are similarly enhanced, they are also superior to those possessed by the finest human specimen and are equal to the likes of Captain America due to his superhumanly acute senses, although most of the time he relies highly on his regenerative healing factor. Skills: Master Tactician: Though seemingly brutish, Wolverine is highly intelligent. While in combat his physical and mental state is equivalent to an Olympic-level gymnast performing a Gold-medal-winning routine whilst simultaneously beating four chess computers in his head, which gives something of an idea of the level of sophistication and tactical processing Logan is capable of utilizing while in combat. He was taught Sun Tzu's The Art of War by Ogun. Master Martial Artist: Due to his extensive training as a soldier, a CIA operative, a samurai and a member of Magneto’s team, Logan is an exceptional martial artist, with expertise in Japanese martial arts, and has mastered 15 forms of martial arts. His extraordinary hand-to-hand combat ability makes him one of the finest combatants on Earth. He has also defeated various hand-to-hand experts without using his claws. Expert Marksman: He is an expert marksman skilled in throwing weapons and firearms, but operates more efficiently without them. Expert Swordsman: Logan is proficient in Japanese sword fighting having studied under Ogun. Skilled Acrobat: He is skilled in gymnastics, acrobatics and aerials, but is not on the same scale as other fighters such as Captain America and Daredevil. Advanced Covert Ops Expert: Due to his experience traveling the world and working for various government agencies, Wolverine is also a trained expert in multiple types of weapons, vehicles, computer systems, explosives, and assassination techniques. Skilled Mechanic Multi-lingual: A polyglot; Wolverine is fluent in many languages including English, Arabic, Japanese, Russian, Chinese, Cheyenne, Lakota, and Spanish; he has some knowledge of French, German, Thai, Vietnamese, Farsi, and Portuguese. Ogun taught him Japanese ideograms. Personality: Wolverine is a gruff loner who has a strong sense of personal honor. He also has a wild, animal-like nature to him and a savage or "berserker" rage which he tries to control. He is also perfectly at home in the wilderness. He is known as one of the most fearless, brave, and dangerous men in the world. Wolverine has established himself quickly as the X-Man most willing to permanently deal with their adversaries. He developed close friendships with his teammates Nightcrawler, whose personality diametrically opposed Wolverine's, and Colossus, who often performed the "fastball special" with him. He is something of a father figure to Shadowcat, Rogue, X-23, and Jubilee. He loved many women. There are only a few Wolverine truly trusts. Rap Sheet: Murder (all degrees), destruction of government property History: History: James Howlett was born in Alberta, Canada during the summer of 1800 to Elizabeth Howlett and John Howlett, though neither was aware that he was the product of Elizabeth’s affair with the grounds-keeper. He was a sickly child for most of his child hood. The grounds-keeper became curious if James was his, when he confronted Elizabeth about it, which led to an argument. John fired the grounds-keeper. Later that night he came back drunk and killed them both, as John lay dying he got a shot out killing the grounds-keeper. At the time of his parents’ death he was in the hospital. He was sent to live with an aunt. When he turned eighteen his aunt cheated him out of his inheritance, left with nothing he joined the army. During World War I he was captured by the Germans. He was a prisoner of war for two years. When he finally got an opportunity to escape he was caught by a guard who put a knife to his throat, instinctively his bone claws unsheathed killing the guard. After World War I someone commented that it looked like he hadn’t aged a day since they enlisted together. He didn’t reenlist when his service was up, because people were starting to realize he wasn’t aging which he assumed was due to his regenerative healing factor. He moved to America and took on a complete new identity, Jim Logan. He joined the CIA, while employed by the CIA he served mostly in Europe. The focus of his assignment in Europe changed after World War II broke out. At first his was only to gather intelligence. When America joined the war effort he joined the Howling Commandos serving under Nicholas Joseph Fury and serving with Captain America. During World War II he became sick of death and when the war ended he resigned from the CIA. Somewhere along the way he lost his way, he felt lost. He heard about the ways of the Samurai, he moved there to learn their ways. He lived among them for twenty years. In 1961 Canada’s spies in the US government reported about the meeting between Kennedy and some old bald man in a wheel chair. The topic of the meeting was of great interest to them. It took four years but Department H was formed. They began hunting for those who had the X-Gene so they could form a team to protect Canada because the state of political and military tension between the US and Russia was beginning to reach a critical point. One small thing could have put the two countries to war and since Canada was a member of NATO they would be obligated to side with the USA in another war. Eventually he became homesick and moved back to Canada he took on another identity, John Patch. He was eventually discovered and coerced into joining Alpha Flight as the Wolverine under Department H. Though their purpose for formation never came to be they did get put to use defending Canada from threats that no mere human could handle, such as the Wendigo. Department K was formed specifically to work in conjunction with Department H to enhance those with X-Genes. The first nine were failures, if they didn’t die from the procedure they were driven mad and had to be put down. Eventually the CIA teamed up with Department K which led to Wolverine having his bones bonded with Adamantium. The process was extremely painful and traumatic on his psyche. Left in a near comatose state they had to build him up again. From that point forward he was nothing more than a living tool of the government to be used and discarded as needed, and he always returned for more. That is until his liberation by Magneto. While under Magneto's care his mind was given a chance to heal, by a telepath that performed psychic surgery. After recovering from the psychic surgery he developed a distrust for Magneto and his tactics, he escaped and joined Xavier. Goal: To do what needs to be done. [/hider]