Name: Merlina Fenix Guild: Pirate Lord Age: Looks 19 but is really 94. Magic: Emerald Phoenix Slayer Magic: Unlike other slayer magic’s Phoenix Slayer magic is passed on to the person through the Phoenix’s Last Death. When a Phoenix experiences this then it can pass its power flame onto a worth being. Depending on the type of flame the phoenix possessed depends on how it affects others and the world around them. Emerald Phoenixes have the power of the nature flame. Its flame can bring about growth or rebirth to the nature around it. Its flames can heal better than what other phoenixes can but also can burn hotter than most as well due to the powerful enzymes that are produced from the phoenix’s power of nature. A wielder of this magic will take on some physical characteristics of a phoenix when they start using their magic. The user also has minor regenerative powers. Instead of consuming fire the user must only touch fire to absorb it but the user must consume its second source of power, in which case the user must consume nature in some form. Most of the time it would be grass or seeds. Phoenix Flight: This spell is a minor support spell that gives the user wings of a phoenix. Phoenix’s Squall: Similar to that of a dragon’s roar Phoenix’s Claw: Similar to that of a dragon fist Phoenix’s Flame Feathers: Similar to that of dragon wing attack. Phoenix Aura: This acts a self support ability that ups her own regeneration abilities and ups her fire. Phoenix Rebirth: Upon death this spell takes effect. When the spell activates the user dissolves in a fiery burst of flames resulting in the secondary powers basic form. This would be a seed. The second part of the spell kicks in once the seed gains enough magic power. The seed will take root in the dirt. Out from that a fiery flower will bloom and produce the user clothed in leaves and petals. Magic level: A History: Merlina was a little girl when she ran away. Her parents abused her until the age of ten when she finally had enough. She had magical power inside her but no way to release it and her parents hated her for it. They would constantly tease her and put her through rigorous training sessions to try and get her magic power to manifest. Nothing ever worked. Even the day she ran into the forest to get away he power never came forth. She ran and ran deeper into the forest. Finally she came across a nest full of broken eggs and dead creatures. She stopped and cried for the creatures until an bird burning with green flames landed in front of her. The bird cried tears that landed on the her dead babies. They then burst into flame and became flowers. The bird then spoke to Merlina. “Don’t worry my child I can see why you have come here and I know you had nothing to do with this travesty. If you wish it I can take you far from here and raise you as my own. It seems that we are both in need of comfort.” Merlina learned in the coming years that her new mother was a Phoenix named Delonix the last of her kind. A monster had destroyed her un-hatched children and that she was on her last rebirth. When she would die this time she would not be reborn. Delonix had a plan though. This girl had been brought to her by fate and was destined to receive her power. On the fateful day that she did finally pass Merlina was only sixteen. Merlina lay with her mother until she passed and with her final words Delonix passed on her power as she burst into flame. Merlina felt a surge of power as her mother died and was consumed by her flames. Moments later Merlina soured into the air with Emerald green wings of her own. She was off on her own life adventure now, flying like a bird that had left the nest with wings of her own. On her travels she has lost her life more than a few times for taking on dangerous jobs or things of that nature but due to her magic she will remain looking young until her Last Death and then she will pass on her power to someone new. Finally she settled on a guild that she felt right for some reason. Pirate Lord. Personality: Merlina is a very kind girl but also wise as she is very old. Team Members: Three Strengths: (Not just combat) 1. Wise 2. Tries to see the good in everyone, maybe this is why she is giving Pirate Lord a chance. 3. Has five lives left. Three Weaknesses: (Make them Applicable) 1. Too Kind 2. Gets in over her head. 3. Can’t handle emotional fights Greatest Love: Nature Motivation: To see part of nature restored and Magic flourish Appearance [hider=My Hider] [img][/img] [/hider] Her tattoo will be located in between the shoulder blades. The color of it is emerald. Delonix's Appearance [hider=My Hider] [img][/img] This is to reference for when Merlina takes on aspects of Delonix such as the wings [/hider]