[b]Octavia Arterbury[/b] Of course Octavia sat beside Astolfo. She hadn't been certain of who to 'talk' with first, but she was glad he was interested. He talked a lot, but he seemed so nice about it! He'd mentioned being a gamer - Octavia had played a few and only seemed to excel at the online ones (she could play most Call of Duty songs) but maybe he could recommend a few games for once they escaped. Or a few soundtracks. That seemed more fun and challenging. She pulled out a napkin from the nearby dispenser and scribbled on her order before holding it up: [i]'Gravy fries and peppermint tea would be great.'[/i] Hey she did ask, and Octavia figured it wasn't that bad. Once Edie got her order, she pulled out a new napkin, wrote, and held it up for Astolfo to read. [i]'So you play games? Any favorites?'[/i] She'd been tempted to add in about game soundtracks but maybe now wasn't the right time. When she could pull out her violin and play. [b]Morgan Oakley[/b] "Up for it indeed. I'll check the kitchen immediately." M bowed with a flourish, not caring if Edie noticed. Had to keep up showmanship, after all. M kept on the smile, even at Silas' response, up until m passed the doorway into the kitchen. Morgan sauntered into the kitchen, briefly lost in thought as m surveyed the room. Lighting was good, fairly open, one person, lots of food- Wait. M looked again. "Dieter, was it?" M was certain he was, but it tended to put people at ease by sounding uncertain. Certainty could be frightening. "...well, I suppose poison isn't an effective form of torture, so I doubt you've done anything to the food. Besides eating it, perhaps?" Not that m saw any sign of that. Whistling, Morgan walked to the fridge and opened it. Interesting selection of drinks. M located the jug of ice tea in the back, pulled it out - and then it was gone. Smiling, Morgan walked back to the kitchen entrance and called loudly, "Sorry, no ice tea." That done, m turned on the coffee maker, opened up several of the cabinets, and began pulling out a few things - biscuit mix, popcorn kernels, and so on - and generally acting as though m had not noticed Dieter at all - Morgan suspected he would prefer that.