To Cassius' surprise, his arrows hit the intended Target, rendering their breathe useless as well as dehydrating them, which in turn also made them greatly slower. This would benefit those trying to keep their distance from the foul creatures. Seeing as he was hidden by the trees, the creatures would have a harder time spotting him; in any case they'd hardly be able to rush at him seeing at how much drastically their mobility was reduced. "Ughhh..." Cassius shuttered looking at such... horrid looking being. To him they looked like they crawled out of the abyss from some cult ritual about eating virgins for nourishment. [i]Why not eat just anyone...? Oh wait... because "Every story involving sacrifice requires one." ughh... Poor Moogle and other people... [/i] Cassius reloaded his crossbow, applying more of the super concentrated remedy before taking aim to another one of the threats he felt would not be a problem with such a large group. He aimed to one that was approaching the group. Before he fired, he felt the breeze to determine the wind resistance; if the resistance was to great, he'd have to reposition himself from the trees, or aim ahead of where the creature was moving in hopes of the wind carrying his shot enough to pelt well enough.