Casting his half-gaze to the woman that had been summoned before him, he was glad that it was neither an insane beast, nor someone easily identifiable as a previous dictator or fascist. Rising to his knees, he looked her in the eyes and said: [b]"I...Suppose I am."[/b] as he extended his non-bleeding hand out, noticing a symbol now imprinted onto the back of his palm, the skin of his hand gaining a rather odd sigil in a set of three, with what appeared to be a large, crystalline arrow depicted on it, winding up to his middle-forearm. It was clear that the seal was seperated into three, and the whole design seemed somewhat chaotic. Looking at it curiously, he said: [b]"Yup. That seals it. Looks like we're in this together, Partner."[/b] and cast a glance to the man who'd brought them all together. [i]"...No indication of who he is. Is this guy a Magus or a Priest? He can't just be some schmuck off the street. No way anybody could have just FOUND the Grail by accident."[/i] he thought before rising to his feet. [b]"...So...why's the Grail here? I don't think you dragged me to another Country just to cut my hand and give me a Servant."[/b]