[center][color=00aeef][h2]Leader of Zeus' Side[/h2][/color][/center] Name(First and Last): Troy Williams Age: 16 Gender: Male # Of Years You've Attended CHB: 3 Godly Parent: Poseidon Which Side You're On: Zeus Appearance: [img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/140/0/9/miksha_id_by_andouhayate-d50fsfq.jpg[/img] Skills: Troy is an exceptionally skilled swordsman. He's one of the top swordsmen at the camp and spends a lot of his time improving his skills. He has a lot of time to spend anyway. He's also a skilled Equestrian. Some believe that it's because his father is Poseidon, but he believes that he would be skilled even if his father wasn't Poseidon. He just has this connection with them horses and pegasi. They each have the need and want to be free. He's also skilled when it comes to sailing. He doesn't even have to use his powers to operate the ship. Despite his anger issues he is also skilled when it comes to strategy. In battle he can come up with multiple different strategies that he's sure would work. He's been considered a perfect mixture between a leading and advising type. Powers: Geokinesis: Troy truly is a child of the Earthshaker. His control over Earthquakes is stronger and more concentrated than the typical child of Poseidon. He can generate earthquakes and focus the points on which the ground shakes so he doesn't harm his allies. He can even move blocks of the Earth around to the surprise of others. This power seems to increase the angrier he gets as if the Earth itself is reacting to his emotions. However there is a huge problem when this happens. He starts to lose control over the Earthquake and it could potentially cause him to harm those that he doesn't want to hurt. The angrier he gets the more problematic his powers get. He needs a constant anchor(person) in battle when this happens. Water-Induced Abilities: When in contact with or in the presence of water, Troy gains a disproportionate amount of superhuman clarity, strength, speed, agility, and endurance. It's like he becomes more godlike. It however has a time limit unless he's submerged or staying in water while fighting. He also heals himself from being in contact with water. This heals different wounds and clears poison from his body. The more water he's in contact with the faster the wound is healed. He can also breathe underwater for seemingly an indefinite amount of time and with his control he's able to create air bubbles for others to breathe in. He's also able to survive from any amount of water pressure. He also doesn't get wet unless he wants to and can dry anything off if he's in contact with it while in water. Hydrokinesis: His control over water isn't as strong as other children of Poseidon. He of course can do pretty much what they can do, but to a lesser extent. He can create and generate water with his own energy, but that takes more out of him than bringing forth an already present source. He can solidify water making almost solid weapons for use in combat. He can use that power to walk on water. He can also propel himself through water as if he was a water jet. Communication: He has divine authority over equines and other sea creatures due to his godly heritage. He can speak with them normally and telepathically, but in public he does the latter so people won't think that he's crazy. They tend to treat him with lordly respect, but he prefers that they treat him as an equal. He can also talk underwater to other children of Poseidon. Heat Resistance: He has a higher than normal resistance to heat and burns due to his father's oceanic nature and the fact that his Cyclopes children work the forge. His resistance isn't as strong as some Hephaestus kids though and he's still able to be burned by intense heat. Personality: Troy is more hot-headed and easily angered than a typical child of Ares. That's why most thought that he would be a child of Ares instead of Poseidon when he first got to camp. Despite his anger he does care about his friends. He thinks that this inner fighting is all stupid and blames his father for it. He has a blame dad kind of complex. When not angry Troy could be seen smiling and showing the younger campers around since he's more than a veteran by this point. He learned how to not let his anger control his actions and instead controls it in his fighting. He channels his anger into his moves instead of letting it channel him. That is when he isn't using his Geokinesis abilities. Troy is also kind of a flirt and finds himself attracted to a different variety of girls mostly those from the Athena cabin. Some believe it's because of his hatred for his father, but it's really because he likes how smart they are. It could also be because he likes to come up with different strategies for combat. It makes them pretty similar. He can barely stand Aphrodite daughters though since they believe themselves to be better than anyone in the world. He does have a few friends in the cabin, but he doesn't get along with the majority. Other cabin girls are fair game to him as well. He gets along well with the Ares kids of both genders finding mutual ground in their temper and fighting abilities. History: Troy's mother worked at the New York Aquarium when she met Poseidon. Of course she didn't know it was him when she did meet him though. She thought she was just talking to this incredibly handsome guy who knew everything there was to know about sea creatures. She wasn't wrong, but she wasn't right either. They stayed at the aquarium way after closing and mostly talked before Poseidon made his move. He knew what he was doing. He knew that this woman absolutely loved aquatic creatures and anything to do with water. He found the perfect mother for a demigod child. He wasn't wrong. That was possibly the best moment in her life before she gave birth to Troy. She slowly grew depressed after never seeing him again, but she changed for the better when Troy was born. He reminded her so much of the man she fell in love with. She didn't hold his father not being there against him and Troy was glad for that. He grew up like a normal kid would. He didn't need a father, but he always wondered what having one would be like. He grew up to resent the fact that his father disappeared on his mother after one night of "love". The summer after he turned twelve everything changed for the worse. He was attacked by some giant beast. He still couldn't remember the situation clearly. He remembered that he was trying to protect his mother and crying for someone to help them, but no one came. He could feel that his death was coming, but his mother stepped in front of a claw that was meant to impale him. He froze and instead of running he just stood there. His mother cried for him and told him to run, but his legs just wouldn't move. It wasn't until the beast was trying to shake his mother off of its claw did he finally regain the ability to move. He was scared, weak, and a coward. He was about to run, but stopped of his own will this time. The next thing he remembered was the ground shaking and his mother being tossed off of the claw. He looked at her in her near death state and the ground started to shake some more before a crater was opened in the ground and the beast fell in it. He then ran over to his mother to hear her last words and stay with her until she passed. He remembered those words clearly. "Troy... Y-you are special. You were named after the city that survived ten years of attacks. You shall survive longer than that. L-longer than me. Be strong for me. Don't ever be afraid again. I love..." That was it. She fell silent after that. He promised himself after that to never be weak again. The next day he was found by a Satyr and brought to Camp Half-Blood. The satyr explained on their way that Troy was a child of a god. Some god his dad ended up being. He didn't even save his mother. He hated his father for that and he wasn't happy when he found out that his father was Poseidon. He knew that he could have saved her if he wanted to, but he didn't. He opted to stay at Camp Half-Blood year long. It was the only home he had left after that. During his second summer he met his half-brother Percy Jackson. He heard plenty of stories about him. Percy was surprised to hear about him and realized that Poseidon wasn't joking when he said he could finally claim his other children. They both hoped that there wasn't more of them. Percy decided to entrust Troy with Riptide since he was out of this big hero of prophecies game that he's been on. He'd rather live a normal life with Annabeth and Troy definitely understood that. Now he's sixteen and at camp in the middle of this stupid war. He chose Zeus' side as a big screw you to Poseidon who he swore to never forgive for not saving his mother.