Name: Blake Sherman Underwood Age: 18 Gender: Male Number Of Years You've Attended Camp Half Blood: Five Godly Parent: Apollo Which Side You're On: Athena [img][/img] Appearance: Blake is a 5’11, nimble, skinny, Caucasian male. His Carolina Blue hair is long but not to long and it’s all let down. He often dresses formal since he is always performing but when he goes to the beach he’ll dress casual. He has green eyes, just like his mother. Whenever he plays you have to take great notice of his hips, just the way it sways and moves is absolutely majestic. Skills: Blake grew up to become the only multi-instrumentalist in his hometown, first mastering the flute then later the violin. No one has won more Musical Awards in the history of Jacksonville, Blake has a total of 28 awards in Musical Excellence (14 for Flute and 14 for Violin). No one in his neighborhood makes better Pink Lemonade than Blake Sherman Underwood. Powers: When Blake focuses, closes his eyes, and starts playing his violin a giant hand comes out and Blake can control the hand to do whatever. When Blake focuses, closes his eyes, and starts playing his flute he can manipulate the elements to his will. However even though his powers, the hand and the elements, may be strong his body is super frail and vulnerable since he is putting all his energy and focus towards the instrument. History: Blake Sherman Underwood grew up in Orlando, Florida and fell in love with music and the beach. Oh and Disney world but that’s obvious. Whenever Blake wasn’t outside swimming and lying on the beach he was hanging with hie best friend Leon Longood. Leon and Blake were only 3 years apart (Leon being the oldest) but that didn't mean much to either of them. They would normally go to he beach and swim or try to pick up chicks. Which despite the fact they were young they stilled tried. Leon was really interested in Blake's music and Blake liked watching Leon do computer work or try to pick up chicks. Either way they both had fun. Then one day Leon said he had to go to this Camp and he didn't know when he would be coming back, Blake got sad. Leon was the only friend Blake had ever had. Leon never did come back. Blake turned nine that summer and had to occupy his time someway else. He started street performing when he was but that was good because it rolled in the dough. Not only that but he was good too. Smart in school, great at competitions, his life was great. During the summer he would make his famous Pink Lemonade, which the neighbors loved, and it brought in more cash. All this money was to save up to go to the big field trip Italy where he could play for thousands of people. His mom started him off with five hundred dollars and the total amount was nine hundred. He knew he had to get that money and by the time he was thirteen he had it all. The competition was right around the corner and his mother couldn’t be happier. He had worked many summers, school years, winters, basically four years of his life for this moment and now it was going to happen. Blake packed all his clothes, his violin, his flute and got in the car. That’s when it went downhill. Then he saw the look in his mother’s eyes and saw tears and he got scared. As the car was driving off and pulled into the highway Blake got even more scared and wondered why was his mother crying? He saw in her pocket a slip that said renovation. He wasn’t quite sure what that meant at the time but that’s when he heard a loud crash and a bunch of shattering. Then it all went black. When he opened his again all he saw was his violin, his flute and a sign that read Camp Half-Blood. However once he joined Camp-Half Blood he found Leon again and it was like nothing change.