[center][img]http://comicsrecommended.com/images/fourteen/spider-man-amazing-658-normal.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Full name:[/b] [indent]Johnathon 'Johnny' Blaze[/indent] [b]Alias:[/b] [indent]It varies. Most call him the Ghost Rider, but some have taken to calling him the 'Spirit of Vengeance', as well.[/indent] [b]Age:[/b] [indent]24[/indent] [b]Birthplace/Hometown:[/b] [indent]He grew up with the Quentin Carnival, never staying in one spot for [i]too[/i] long.[/indent] [b]Appearance:[/b] [indent]Johnny Blaze's human form, is that of a man within his prime - as he is 24 years of age, himself. Standing at 6'2, Johnny possesses ldirty blondish-brown hair that is generally kept in it's natural state, the man not seeing any reason, at all, to stylize his appearance. This means that it's generally short-to-medium in length, and shaggy, with strands falling into his dark blue eyes. His physique is fairy normal for someone whom turns into a soul-burning spirit of vengeance during night times - muscular, albeit not bulky or disturbing. Enough to back up his already scary physical abilities. His face is a bit rugged, with a scuffle/shadow of a beard. As for his Ghost Rider form - it's much the same, as far as over-all size is apparent. He stays at 6'2, but, obviously, he turns into a vengeful, bone-white skeleton with blazing Hell-Fire surrounding his skull. In both forms, Johnny wears a clasped, dark black leather jacket, leather riding pants, and black combat boots, with spikes along the jacket's shoulders and arms, and spurs at the back of the boots. Contrary to what you might think, the spikes on his clothing are one-hundred percent metal, and one-hundred percent sharp, used to bludgeon and skewer enemies whenever he's in a fight. [/indent] [b]Powers:[/b] [indent]Johnny Blaze's powers are centered around his transformation into the Ghost Rider. As the Ghost Rider, Johnny has super physical attributes, such as strength, stamina, speed, and immense durability - even amongst the super-powered crowd. His skeletal body can survive run-ins with immense force, bludgeoning, high-caliber bullets and other piercing attacks, immense pressure, and general action. Similarly, if he's injured, his body self-regenerates, without any evidence of pain or discomfort - often used to highly intimidate and demoralized foes, by allowing them to get in an attack, only for Johnny to reform and make it seem hopeless. He also has the ability to manipulate his size to larger degrees, although this takes a lot of energy, as he has only just learned of the ability. His 'major' powers are - [b]Hell-Fire Manipulation;;[/b] Ghost Rider possesses the ability to generate, control, and project mystical fire, or "hellfire" at will. Hellfire is an ethereal and supernatural flame that burns the soul of a person and can also be used to burn their physical body. He can utilize this fire in various ways, including projecting it from his eyes, hands, mouth, or even channel it from his body into his weapons like his chain and it's weaponized forms, form walls of hellfire, and even create a motorcycle completely out of hellfire. He can also unleash hellfire in omnidirectional explosions. This comes with the side-effect of Ghost Rider being, obviously, fire-proof. [b]Mystical Chain Projection;;[/b] Ghost Rider wields a mystical chain that is capable of growing in length, cutting through almost anything, and transforming into other weapons. He can also spew and project chains from his mouth or chest at will, although they lack the power of his original chain. The original chain is constantly wrapped around his right arm, making for a very intimidating, and powerful, weapon. [b]Penance Stare;;[/b] Ghost Rider possesses the supernatural ability to cause any individual who stares into his eyes to see and feel every bit of pain they have ever inflicted on anyone in their entire lifetime for all eternity.[/indent] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [indent]Although he is powerful, the Ghost Rider has weaknesses, like all beings. Holy Weapons, and Holy Magic are somethings that he is simply weak to. Similarly, if you have enough firepower to take him out all at once, he cannot regenerate on the spot. Basically, he dies, although it is unknown on what happens to his spirit once he's dead...since, technically, he is undead, and alive, at the same time. He is the Spirit of Vengeance, and thusly, will kill anyone he has to kill. No one can stop him. This can easily cause problems within the group, amongst the more...moralistic of heroes. His way of killing definitely isn't merciful, either. They suffer. Despite seeming dark and grim, Ghost Rider is undeniably a high-adrenalined specter, and thusly, his way of life is very...high-risk, high-reward. If you can't keep up, you can get hurt, which is, in a way, a weakness for Johnny himself.[/indent] [b]Skills:[/b] [indent]Blaze is an expert and master stunt rider, allowing him to perform feats in vehicles - such as motorcycles and trucks/cars - that are otherwise deemed impossible to the common, and even uncommon, man. This has also given him insane hand-eye coordination, allowing him to do sleight-of-hand tricks and movements very easily. Although he's had no proper training, he is also a formidable hand to hand combatant, using a street sort of fighting style that utilizes brutal takedowns, punches, kicks/knees, and generally using whatever's at your disposal to kill your opponent.[/indent] [b]Brief Bio:[/b] [indent]Johnny's biography isn't something you can just find on the street. He was born to his father and mother, Barton Blaze and Naomi Kale, growing up in the 'oohs and aahs' of motorcycle grease, cheering crowds, and high-adrenaline stunts. Born into the travelling Quentin Carnival, with notable figures such as Craig 'Crash' Simpson, Johnny's life was rather stable, as a child, until his mother left him and his siblings after his father's death. His siblings were sent to the orphanage, while he was barely able to be adopted by Craig, and his wife, Mona. They attempted to pave a childhood for the now traumatized boy, but he knew that his mother left 'em all, and he didn't forget. Growing up, he loved Crash and Mona, as they were there for him when times were rough, and he grew closer and closer to their daughter, Roxanne Simpson. Meanwhile, his mother kept watch, on the off-chance the family curse surfaced...and the Ghost Rider was born anew. Johnny became a performing member of Crash's stunt devil performance at the age of 12, using his 'dad's' old motorbike for amazing stunts that weren't really something you'd expect to see a child, whose balls hadn't even dropped, do. However, at 13, during a rather dangerous stunt, Mona was mortally wounded, and Johnny was injured. On her deathbed, his mother asked him not to ride anymore...and he agreed. The rest is history;; how he became the Ghost Rider, his life, his loss. All that's known is that Crash is now dead, Johnny is no longer married to Roxanne, and he has been the Ghost Rider for years now, starting when he was around 17 or 18. He travels the world on his motorcycle, a classic, rough-skinned biker during the day, and the intimidating Ghost Rider by night, claiming the souls of the sinful. When he was approached with this request, Johnny declined at first, but after more prodding, reluctantly agreed. This wasn't his sorta thing, however, and he bluntly told Nick that he wouldn't be 'pussy-footing'. The man agreed, and the Ghost Rider was left with his shot of whiskey, mulling over his decision.[/indent] [center][img]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11113/111135257/3602451-3389101-gr.jpg[/img][/center]