Ailen nodded to Craig, a smile of his face from what Craig said earlier. "Sure thing Craig, dont worry I will take good care of our new T1." He said. He hated Tristan just as much as anyone else did. He felt sorry for Silvia, what did she do to get put here. Yup that was this planet. Altenia was a place GNC sent people to punish them. Tristan believed he himself was sent here as punishment. Ailen would agree except he felt it was the other way around. Tristan was sent here to punish the planet. He waved friendly gesture as he left. Grabbing his jacket and hat, placing the hat on his head, as he walked out of the room. He took the elevator down to medical bay first. He heard rumors about Silvia. Interesting ones as well, from what he heard, she will be good friends to him and Craig. [b]A couple hours Earlier[/b] Ailen laid in bed staring at the picture in the locket. His alarm went off and he calmly turned it off. Today they were receiving a new T1. What did this girl do to get herself sent here. She pissed off some high ranking GNC for sure. He sighed, closing his locket and rose up. He placed it around his neck and put on his pants and grabbed all the things that matched it. The jacket, hat, sword, and the side arm. He put the jacket on slightly and on his way began oiling the joints of his arm. Many asked about it and he always gave them the same answer. Tristan happened. If it wasnt for his pompous ass the little rebellion that cost him his arm wouldn't of happened. Luckily him and Craig made sure that shit didn't happen again. Once the adjustments and oiling to his arm was complete he slipped the metallic arm into its sleeve and then placed his hands in his pocket. "Good day Mr. Ailen!.. is it true we are getting a new T1?" He heard one of the other residents call to him. He smiled, word travels fast around here and to be truthful he was kinda excited to see a new face for once. "Looks like it Corporal... Oh I didn't get your report on my desk yet. Also, you don't need to write a book okay. Just keep it simple alright." He said. He then made it to the elevator and set it for the top floor. He made sure his jacket and hair was neat, he did not want first impressions to go to shit. [b]The now[/b] He reached the child care center and poked his head in. "Hey Gaia!.. We have a new T1 at the tower want to join me in meeting with her?" He said waiting only for a little while and then exited. Expecting the little nymph to land and ride on his shoulder. He hit the button to open the elevator doors and stepped inside. He looked to the mirrors within. "What you think Gaia?... don't tell me I am going to screw this up?" He asked. A question popped up in his own head. Why was it so important to make this meeting work with Silvia? Wasn't be cause she was a girl or anything. There were plenty of women on the station. Perhaps it was the rumors? Well the rumors only talked of her exploits, not her looks or attitude or anything. Maybe because she was from Earth? It could be a number of things ,but one thing was for certain. In this tower friends were needed and he wanted to be the first one in line to become her new friend here. To show her that not everyone here is like Tristan. I hope she replaces the fucking asshole in the future. He also wished someone would nife the fucker in his sleep ,but that would never happen. Unless the Brax'Na attacked and Tristan died in the conflict. He was surprised they hadn't. Ailen was beginning to think they should add another shipment of supplies to Srath's list and sneak supplies to the Brax'Na as well. It would calm things down. Even with the supplies they sent to the people, Tristan always found some way to screw the people over. The asshole always complained about people hating him ,but for fucksake if he wasn't such a douche he wouldn't be hated. He wouldn't be on this planet that was for sure. The elevator door opening snapped him out of his thoughts and he exited the elevator. He adjusted the collar of his jacket and passed engineers on his way to the hangar where her ship waited. The engineers looked up and saw him and went back to work. He smiled and nodded to them. "Keep up the good work everyone." He then passed one Engineer and stopped him in the man's place. "Hey,.. Henry was it?" He asked. "Yes, sir.. surprised you remembered." The man replied. "Well it was you who helped design my arm. Between you and the doctors in medical bay I still stand here doing my job. Here,... as thanks." He flipped the guy a few coins. Just enough for the guy to have a meal that he didn't have to pay for. Ailen was known for many things on the station. One such thing was he gave a lot of respect for those under him. Despite himself being a T1 as well. Why was a T1 in second command in the military of a tower then a possible tower lead? He preferred this then that and his military prowess were best used in this job then as a head of a tower or a runner up. He left the man to his devices and proceeded to the hangar. He reached the doors and they slipped open and he walked through. He did not see much life in the hangar except a few engineers refueling the vessel that delivered them their new T1 to be trained by Tristan himself. Another reason why he wanted to give her a friend she could come to to relieve the stress he would give her. If rumors where true and she couldn't stand idiots or people with attitudes, Tristan being the epitome of assholeness would put a real stress on her. He reached it finally standing a good few feet away from where the ramp will hit when she exits. His hands leaving his pockets and he prepared to greet her with a good old hand shake from his cybernetic arm. He wanted to see what her reaction would be from it.