[b]"Okay."[/b] says the man that had ferried these wayward Magi to their current location, clapping his hands [b]"Eyes."[/b] he pauses, making a 'watch me' motion at the Masters and Servants in front of him with his middle, and index fingers several times. [b]"Eyes and ears on me."[/b] he demands, taking a seat on the windowsill behind him [b]"So, I'm what one would call the 'Ashen Mandrake', and you're in an 'Odal Valley' nestled into the hillsides and mountain ranges of a 'Germany', this is a valley largely populated by Magi, and at the center of it is the nucleus of this little conflict, the 'Holy Grail'."[/b] he says, throwing up a quick quotation mark with each term he adds to his monologue [b]"In this small valley, there are three villages, each of which has an Inn, or a Bed and Breakfast you can stay at, they're all connected by one road; right now we're a ten minute drive from the entrance into the valley, and the first town. Now that you're all conscious, and I've delivered a greeting to all of you, I'm going to take my leave, and return to whence I came, don't search for me, I will kill you, Servant or not if I see you again. Any questions?"[/b] he asks plainly, before he takes a step forward, knife in hand [b]"No? Good."[/b] the Ashen Mandrake says lowly, returning his hat back to his head. He jumps off the loft, and returns to his van without any further word, driving it away without any conflict, either, which is awfully odd, considering the man just kidnapped a group of seven people in their late teens.