[@Skallagrim]Holly fuck! You burned the entire park down! I mean I will be honest when I say that I knew induction field was important, but I had no idea it could do something like that! I mean to cause that much water to instantly boil, in a park that big, is an absolutely insane amount of heat! Well that actually causes several of my plans to literally go up in flames and I'm even going to have to move Scion to keep him alive. Yes, this is way beyond human survival, even supernatural human. That much heat would cook Scion alive in seconds. Especially given he was in the water. On a different note. A very mild, and mute, problem is that the park sort of doesn't have a dome. It's an outdoor park if the picture didn't describe/show that being the case from its birds eye view. I actually selected that park, because it happens to be one I've actually visited at one point in my life. I guess I thought it would be fun to see it get wreckt while we fought, but I it's toast now. I am not even sure how I am going to begin to respond to this. I'll sleep on it for now, and will hopefully have something for you tomorrow night after work.