Tony and Ralph waited in Tony's car, [url=]a 1947 Plymouth Deluxe[/url], for their man to walk out of a bar Big Sal had informed them of a man that owed Mr. DeMarco a large amount of money in gambling debt. " then I told him 'I'll show ya a lead pipe!'" Tony spoke with his usual quick tongue and erupted in laughter at his own joke. Ralph just rolled his eyes and cracked a small smile, he'd heard the story a thousand times and always humored Tony with a smile laugh or smile. They'd known each for many years, there wasn't a whole lot either of them could say that the other hadn't heard yet. Tony's laughter slowly subdued and he returned to watching the entrance of the bar. Not long after his joke the door cracked open and a man in a tea-shirt walked out, Ralph glanced at a picture they had taped to the rear view mirror and nodded "Thas' him Tone." Tony nodded silently and got out of the car, as did Ralph. Tony lead the way as they approached the man, as usual Tony did the talking and Ralph looked intimidating. "Heya pal!" he called out to the man. "It's been a while..." The man in the t-shirt with blonde hair's eyes widened at the site of Tony and Ralph. He locked up out of fear of what Ralph might do if he ran. "There's a good guy." Tony smiled wickedly as they approached, to their left was an alley way with a dumpster against the wall "How about we talk somewhere more privet." He tilted his head toward the alley and Ralph grabbed the man's arm and forcefully guided him behind the dumpster. He threw the guy against the wall with an 'umpf' and Tony stood in front of him "You owe Mr. DeMarco a lot of money there boss. And ya know what? Ralphy don't like that. Ralphy don't like guys like you. Ain't that right Ralphy boy?" Ralph cracked his knuckles and nodded, replying with his deep voice. "Thas' right Tony." He nodded slowly. "So, here's howe we make Ralphy like ya, either you pay us the money, or Ralphy goes to town on your face with his knuckle dusters. What'd ya say?" Tony gave a condescending smile as Ralph put his brass knuckles on "I-I got the money man! I just got it from my bookie. H-here!" The man fumbled around with his wallet before stuffing the wad of cash into his hands. Tony smiled and sighed "I'm sorry Ralphy. You don't get to test out your new toys on our friend here." Ralph gave a fake frown and removed the weapons from his hands.The man in the shirt asked if that was all and ran off when he was told it was. "All in a days work Ralph." Tony smiled as he re-counted the money and stuffed it into his jacket pocket. "Let's get this money to Big Sal." Ralph nodded and they returned to Tony's car. Once they got to Sal's apartment they were buzzed into his room. "There you fuckers are!" Shouted the short and fat man. "You got that money from the horse better?" Tony nodded and tossed over the money "Yeah. Of course we got it! When was the last time you gave us a job and we didn't do it?" Sal sighed "Remember that time back in the day when I had you shake down that guy who dressed up as a clown?" Tony gave an unimpressed look. "Hey, it ain't my fault that clowns turn Ralphy into a little girl." Ralph smacked Tony in the back of the head "And it won't be my fault if you tell anyone else that." Ralph warned. "Shut up the both of ya. I'm seeing Don DeMarco later today and I'll give him they money. Now scram, I got some broads comin' over here soon." Tony rolled his eyes as he and his large brute of a partner left. "Surprised the old, fat fuck can get anything..." Sal threw an empty box of matches at Tony's head "I head that ya skinny fuck!" Tony and Ralph laughed as they exited the apartment and went back to the car.