Umm, no technically we are in a dome. I used two posts to establish it, one to set the induction field base and a second to set the electrical walls coming from the cloud forming the sides and top of the dome. 1-‘The slow thrum of the Aesr roiled around Skallagrim, rushing away in a vast concentric circle, enveloping the park. This allowed the Dreamer to understand with absolute clarity what was happening in the park.’ 2-‘Tapping the dark crystalline shield with his sword, the skeletal being nodded towards Scion, his voice a static filled hissing, [color=a187be]“I shall create an energy shield around this park, we shall be alone to settle our matter.”[/color] 2(a)-With that the twisted black clouds overhead shimmered for a millisecond and then cascading sheets of lighting descended around the area they stood, creating an interlaced field of electrical energies.’ Also the water is boiling not boiled off completely it will take some time. Small wading pools will go first then the deeper bodies will follow suit over the next couple of posts. Since I am probably not going to fuel the plasma it will begin to dissipate in my next post. All this occurs in a few seconds, but the fires will remain.