Things were certainly going to shit quickly, first a shot was fired then Chris came barrelling through while Cat was ready to kill. Upon hearing the second shot Kaylah wondered how it came to this in such short time, though it was strange that Blue and Dog did not get a response when asked if they were bitten. Kaylah watched as Dog went to aid Chris before turning to see Cat kill the person’s dog like he did back at the farm. In her mind she wanted the dog to run away but dogs were generally loyal to those who looked after them and treated them well. The dog of course made a whimper before it died though seeing Cat just stab the dog repeatedly after tugged on Kaylah’s heart strings even if it was necessary. That could easily be her dog one day making her turn to see how Dog was doing, Blue found herself doing nothing at this point. By the time the stripper turned round once more Cat was killing the one wielding the gun and without a thought killed her where she stood. The sound of something breaking could be heard, from the way Cat killed them it was coming from the neck. The stab followed soon after though as cat did Kaylah looked over to the pregnant woman who looked terrified. Such an ordeal could force a premature birth that was something she would hate to see as the child would not survive without the right care. Kaylah was going to go to the woman’s aid but she rushed off to her deceased woman on the floor. The world was messed up and she was not sure how much more she could take as she watched the woman lose all control over the corpse Cat made. She must have been someone important though when Cat moved away and mentioned they should move Kaylah knew trouble was coming. The infected always turned up at the worse times, Kaylah felt sad for the pregnant woman but she could not wait around for her or force her to leave so she did not. When she heard Dog ask about the surviving woman she was shocked by Cat’s response. Maybe this was how he survived; maybe this was the only way to survive. Did loves ones hold one back, she began to doubt herself a little though only Bruiser was the thing she loved at this point, everyone else she cared for were dead or holed up somewhere else…… maybe. Kaylah grabbed her weapon tightly once more hoping the infected could be killed so they had enough time to gather supplies, she needed them and her group needed them to survive the coming days, weeks. Bruiser made her way closer to Kaylah and gave Kaylah a quick lick before roaming off closer to Dog once more. The infected were coming and quickly making her pounce from where she was, Bruiser could smell them. Some were starting to decay others were mildly decayed and a few looked like they were going to turn into human soup real soon. Kaylah soon popped her head out to see the infected at the entrance of the mall. Mercy and Tony were here as well which was good as they would survive better together then apart. Maybe Cat could last a while before going down if he was going solo. The human body could only go for so long. Kaylah could feel her heart racing faster than before; the events at the store did not help though. [color=00aeef]Kaylah: “Are we going to take them on or find a place to lock down so we have more time to figure something out?” [/color]