Full name: Bruce Wayne Alias:Batman Age: 24 Birthplace: Gotham Hometown: Gotham Appearance: [hider=Bruce] [img]http://cias.rit.edu/~kll8902/Images_1/Image_2.jpg[/img] [/hider] Costume: [hider=The Suit] [img]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/036/9/d/batman_costume_design_by_ochosa1-d756g6a.jpg[/img] [/hider] Powers: Equipment: Grapple gun: Standard issue grappling hook. He uses it quite a lot. Batarangs: His main throwing weapon. he has an explosive variety. The Bat Cave: His main base and place he goes to investigate. He keeps the batmobile there. The Batmobile: His large armored car capable of reaching 130 mph. The Utility belt: He keeps a few different gadgets there. Skills: Amazing in hand to hand combat. Incredible Intelligence. Strong but not superhuman strong. More like Peak human strength Does not quit. Brief Bio: Bruce Wayne was born into Gotham royalty. His family were rich beyond the imaginations of most people. Bruce never knew this but his families money was built off the blood and corruption the city thrived on. His parents were grooming him to take over this empire of sin and corruption. However one night after a movie, his parents were gunned down in the streets leaving him an orphan at the age of 14. It was about this time he learned about his families money origins. Bruce stayed in Gotham but left when was around 15 and returned three years later a changed man. He became the Batman and used his position to scare the criminals of the city into submission. He mainly does it to atone for what his family did to the city. He met Dick Greyson and basically raised the boy. He still feels terrible for forcing him away.