I'm wondering how a mutant got a License to Carry, and at 18. Also, I added a second character, but if you don't want me to use her, just say so. She'll have been adopted by Forge after she ran away from her anti-mutant parents and gotten captured and held at the base we're assaulting. [hider=Forge] Name: Unknown Nickname: Forge Age: 32 Appearance:[img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/0/02/XMEN_Forge.jpg[/img] Gender: Male Power(s): Superhuman intuitive talent at inventing, Genius-level intelligence, "sees" mechanical energy Skills: Marksmanship, engineering, computers Personality: Determined and inquisitive. He knows what his goals are and will see them through to the end as long as it doesn't compromise his morals to do so. Rap Sheet: Identity theft (anti-mutants get to help mutant refugees leave the country), Fraud, various electronic crimes, assaulting police officers, resisting arrest, destruction of police property History: An inventor with several patents, when the people and the government turned against mutants he was forced to go underground, first selling inventions to Stark then, when the government started looking too closely, giving them only to those who he knew wouldn't care if he was a mutant and would protect him. He used the money to help out mutant refugees and those in hiding, due to the fact that he could move more freely thanks to his jammer implant and normal appearance, plus the fact that he could hide out on the Cheyenne reservation if he needed to lay low. One day he was in the sewers, helping a group or mutants called the Morlocks when he met a girl named Jubilee that was staying with them. Knowing that she wouldn't be able to stand living underground long and that she could one day be a great help to the cause, he took it upon himself to help her, even giving her a jammer implant like his so that the Sentinels would have a hard time finding her. They've been traveling together for a year and a half. Goal: To protect his people from those that want to harm them. Equipment: Nano-tube armor, prosthetic arm with universal tool kit, Jammer implant (hides him from the sentinels as long as he stays at least 150 meters from them, with his location being fuzzy down to 130m), Rail gun (30 round magazine capacity, each with the damage of a 50cal sniper rifle, one second recharge time between shots), armor and a pistol for Jubilee (hers channels her power into a Plasma pulse as effective as a Star Wars blaster) [/hider] [hider=Jubilee] Name: Jubilation "Jubilee" Lee Nickname: Jubilee Age: 16 Appearance:[img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/5/53/Jubileedecimation.jpg/250px-Jubileedecimation.jpg[/img] Gender: Female Power(s):Ability to project pyrotechnic energy plasmoids (can be focused to work as a plasma cutter) Skills: Parqor, gymnastics, martial arts Personality: bubbly, friendly, but defiant. She wants to socialize and "feel normal" so much that sometime she takes unnecessary risks for the sake of fun and social activity. Rap Sheet: Destruction of property, destruction of police property, attempted murder of a police officer (it was an accident), resisting arrest History: When, a month after she turned fourteen, she got in an argument with her parents, she threw up her hands and a few sparks shot out of them, burning the wall. Her parents tried to help her, and to get her to hide her powers, but she couldn't learn to control them fast enough. Believing their daughter to be one of those sick "mutants" they heard of on the TV, they called the police to get her help. She came downstairs at that moment and heard them, and knew she had to run. After a few days she knew the only safe place for her would be underground away from people, so she climbed down into the sewers. Down there she found a group of mutants that had formed a community, and they helped her out, teaching her to control her powers. When Forge came to install devices to give them electricity and help them hide better, she decided that she would be better off with him where she could make a difference instead of just hiding. A month ago, on her 16th birthday, she snuck out to go to the mall but didn't know that that mall had installed mutant detectors. She was arrested, though she fought back, and placed in the high security section of a local detention center. Goal: To one day live a normal life. [/hider]