[center] [h3]~Alexis Sinclair~[/h3] [color=ed1c24]"Hey, it's the first day of school. It wouldn't reflect well on you if you were already late on your first lesson."[/color] Alexis rolled her eyes. Like she fucking cared about this stupid school. She wasn't even here because she wanted to be. She decided she was probably gonna end up ignoring Mishka more or less. Not like she really wanted to be friends with the chick. Especially after that stupid stunt with the alarm clocks. [color=ed1c24]"Besides...If you had just gone to bed at a reasonable time you wouldnt have had any problems with waking up at a normal time. I could have also awoken you when I got up, would you have preferred that? At 5:30?"[/color] Ahahahahaha, if she did that, she'd be eating the ground for breakfast instead of that food. She didn't care how big this bitch was, or how good she thought she was. She still didn't reply though. Maybe if she'd just ignore her long enough, she'd go away. [color=ed1c24] "Or were you planning on skipping your first school day? If you're not planning on going to any of the classes then why did you even bother coming here if you dont mind me asking."[/color] Actually, yeah, she was. She probably would have gone to the later classes out of sheer boredom, but this early? Fuck no. Not like she gave a damn about these stupid classes anyways. [color=ed1c24]"And I'm not saying you cant take care of yourself. I just thought it would be nice to bring you some breakfast. And besides...You looked like you needed some proper food for once because, well look at you. You're so scrawny that if you didn't have any superpowers even a child would be able to bring you to the ground."[/color] This. Fucking. Bitch. She did not just-Okay, yeah, she was pissed. Alexis closed her laptop, setting it aside somewhere it wouldn't be easily damaged. She put her headphones around her neck, and stood up. She looked up at Mishka with a scowl. She was not intimidated by the other girls size at all. [color=00aeef]"For your information, bitch,"[/color] She growled. [color=00aeef]"I've dealt with scarier things than you before."[/color] Not a total lie. She did have to fight without her abilities sometimes...she wasn't the biggest of people, but hell, she could fight. She had to learn how. If it was one thing she had over most people...it was her stubbornness and tenacity. [color=00aeef]"I may not be some stupid buff muscle-head like you, but I can take care of myself. I don't need these powers to kick someones ass. And FYI, I ain't here cuz I wanna be. If I had it my way, I'd never have even set foot in this stupid place."[/color] For multiple reasons. Mostly because she didn't like...facilities like these. That was the truth. If Her mom hadn't pretty much forced her to be here, she'd out be doing something fun. Like not talking to this chick. She had half a mind to punch this chick and knock her lights out. Permanently. She still had some miniscule amount of self control though, and wasn't about to go gettin' in trouble. If only because she didn't want to put up with it. If this chick said something else though...yeah, she was gonna teach this chick a hard lesson. [/center]