A chill ran down Mesman's spine as he heard his servant voice her desire to kill every servant...possibly even master. Putting a finger to her lips, he whispering: [b]"Hey! Shh. That's not how we're going to do things..."[/b] After he spoke, he paid mind to the words of their mysterious gatherer. [i]"...Mandrake..."[/i] he thought to himself, thinking that he might have heard that title before. Such an accolade was definitely to be associated with killing. After all, no simple magi gets a name denoting such a deadly beast...plant. Beast plant. Holding Archer's hand, he started to lead her away, not wanting to get into any fights at the moment. [b]"Alright, first thing's first, we gotta find a place to stay."[/b] he said, starting to try and think of how to play this. He knew that the Servants didn't really DIE persay once killed, even if people died when they were killed. The Throne of Heroes would just swallow them back up. As such, he started to wonder if he could end the war with no Master casualties. It'd certainly be difficult, but otherwise it'd denote that he'd have to take someone's life. People he didn't even know. Sighing deeply to himself, he covered his blind eye with his free hand. [b]"...What the hell am I gonna do..."[/b] The prospect of taking someone's life was an uneasy subject for him, he usually served to detain his targets rather than eliminate. He was no Judge, nor an Executitioner, but hey, he has served on a jury before.