It was ne'er the place of a Servant to question to lead of their Master; Archer knew that much. Silence and solitude, that would be helpful to her. It would keep the voice at bay, and stave off the desire to fight - for a while. So, she followed him. [color=goldenrod]"Your hand is soft. Such softness is uncommon of the men I know,"[/color] she commented. [color=goldenrod]"What are we going to do? What am [i][b]I[/b][/i] going to do?"[/color] Archer had many questions, [color=goldenrod]"What are you going to do? Will you fight? Will you hide? Where shall we go? How long shall we stay? Can we get something to eat? Meat, perhaps? I like meat..."[/color] and, she intended to ask them all in transit. [color=goldenrod]"Do you like girls or boys?"[/color] Whether they would be answered or not was to be seen.