"That seals our contract then. Hereby my sword shall be thy swords and thy fate shall become my fate." Saber said when her supposed master addressed her in a rather meek way, unfitting of one who sought the Holy Grail, though, there was a irregularity in her situation and thus she said to the other man before her, just as he was about to leave "Thy fate shall become mine too, young man. As for reasons unbeknown to me, both of you seem to be my Masters. Though, in different degrees. We shall sort it out once we're in safe haven as this place holds too many harms." Saber knelt down before the men, swearing her oath of fealty, as the Code of Chivalry demanded "Thereby I, Servant Saber, pledge my loyalty to My Lord and His Lady. By my sword and the Cross, symbol of Christ, son of our Lord who lay in the Heavens, this oath shall not be broken until My Lord sins against Our Lord, the Almighty, or breaks the holy tenets of the Code of Chivalry." While Saber pledged her oath, the other Servants as well as their Masters began to leave the gloomy barn. Some of the spouted vain threats and some decided to remain silent. Saber would abide to join the later group along with her Masters if not for Lancer, closing in her so fast that Saber could barely twitch an eyebrow before the buxom woman was groping her and trying to remove her armor in order to engage in lecherous behavior unfitting for someone of Saber's stature. In a single, swift move, Saber brought her Noble Phantasm into being, before swinging the blade at Lancer's neck, in a very telegraphed attack that no Heroic Spirit worthy of their fame would get hit by, as long as they backed alway from Saber, that's. "Stay away from me. I don't know who you have been on your life, or what were your tastes, Lancer, but I don't partake in such behavior. Unless, of course, you want to have your way by defeating me in a duel." [hider=Saber's Sword] [img]http://minecrafttoy.com/img/imaginarium-foam-sword-diamond_2723_500.jpg[/img] [/hider] Saber then pointed the her blade at Lancer's face, the tip of glittering crystal sword was dangerously close to the tall woman's breasts. Probably the only other Servant that would know what a Noble Phantasm like that meant would be Caster but any mage worthy their salt would. A blade made of pure, glittering crystal, that seemed to radiate a rainbow colored light out of its own could mean only one thing in a mage's book, The Second Magic -Kaleidoscope- owned by the infamous Wizard Marshall. Anyone who knew what that meant would recognize Saber's Noble Phantasm as a real problematic thing to deal with. Saber then turned to her Masters and said "I ask for your permission to engage Servant Lancer in a duel, in the name of my tarnished chastity, Master. Though, if you order so, I'm willing to not carry this to the death." As Saber waited for her Masters' reply, she kept Lancer in check with her sword, never averting her eyes off of the big chested vixen. .[@LokiLeo789][@Turboshitter][@OldManWong][@SlamJamcity]