[center] [u][b]The War Begins [/b][/u] [img]https://explainingtheoldworld.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/the_best_hd_hq_hi-res_wallpapers_collection_-_fantasy_art_by_tonyx__1300_pictures-616_wallpaper_warhammer_mark_of_chaos_01_1920x1200.jpg[/img] [/center] [b]Name:[/b] The Fighting Fields [img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs23/f/2007/317/1/4/Grassy_fields_by_TheGuide.jpg[/img] [b]Size:[/b] 75x75 feet [b]Properties:[/b] None [b]Player Capacity:[/b] up to 4 [b]Description :[/b] Basic field with no special properties, Ideal for Swordfights and Unarmed Combat. A few Large Rocks to take cover behind and small hills. [b]Flavor Text:[/b] A small field currently a massive battlefield for the fate of a universe and kingdom. The area is littered with corpses and craters along with fallen arms and armor with unattended banners standing or fallen.