[@Xodus] Wait, what? Um, my character Bits is already 28. She was supposed to graduate at 18, but was held back because she refused to partner with anyone but her brother, Sparks, who is three years her junior. What I had already was him graduating at 18, with Bits being 21. I can hold her back a year or two more, maybe, because of her aversion to using her alchemy, but...not another seven years. Also I'd had the mindset of them having some missions under their belts. Like, several years' worth. Plus Sparks' relationship with Cam will be changed if I change his age. O.o What the /heck/ is an invigilator?! Is that even a word?! *looked it up* Oh, someone who gives an exam? Huh. I've heard proctor, but not this word. Cool, a new word! EDIT NEVERMIND ME! I read something and got anxious. I am curious as to why students in different years are working together, but I can go with this.