[hider=Berserker] [b]Master:[/b] Tohsaka Rika [b]True Name:[/b] [UNKNOWN] [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Height/Weight:[/b] 223cm, 127kg [b]Alignment:[/b] Chaotic Insane [b]Strength:[/b] A++ [b]Endurance:[/b] B [b]Agility:[/b] B [b]Prana:[/b] C [b]Luck:[/b] C+ [b]Class Abilities:[/b] Mad Enhancement A [b]Skills:[/b] [UNKNOWN] [UNKNOWN] [UNKNOWN] [UNKNOWN] [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=My Hider] [IMG]http://i61.tinypic.com/n3uant.png[/IMG] [/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Calm and silent, like a machine which has been put on standby. When one sees Berserker's apparently cool demeanor he or she may mistake him for a Servant of another class, or wrongly assume that his Mad Enhancement is of low rank, which couldn't be farther from the truth. In fact, the rational part of Berserker's mind was completely wiped, leaving him with a little sense of self. The only thing left for him is his incredible bloodthirst which constantly radiates from his cold blue eyes. Currently he awaits at his Master's leisure to be unleashed upon her enemies, but once he's off the chain he will not stop until either he or his opponents perish. [b]Noble Phantasm(s):[/b] [UNKNOWN] [/hider]