There was a certain vibe about people who were fake. Not fake, as in, they were still flesh-and-blood, but fake in the way that they their personalities were false. And obviously, this could go more than one way. On several occasions, people faked heartlessness because they were not having a good home-life. Others pretended they didn't care about anything because they didn't want people to pry into their emotions. And lastly, there were people who pretended to be sweet and happy but were truly hiding a rude personality. Dami was one of those people. She wasn't always pretending to be happy, but on matter what she did, she was overdramatic about it for one reason: attention. Of course, attention goes to people's heads. Dami was pretty, and she knew it. The thin-eyed young woman stepped out of her car, which was very nice, in clothing that only someone with a huge amount of self-confidence would wear. High-top converse, a large, unbuttoned varsity jacket, and outrageously tight shorts that looked similar to her very tight shirt. Dami strode into the school building, her designer bag swinging on her arm as she bobbed to the stereotypical pop music blasting through her earbuds. She walked by a few people in the hallways, just ignoring them as she knew they were looking at her. Smiling like a pageant queen, she sashayed to her locker, only to find some new punk girl leaning up against it. Contrary to her image, Dami was not into the hot football-headed jocks she dated. She was in to ladies. And this girl, despite he odd appearance, looked different, and very unique. Dame didn't say anything, though she was pretty. At least, she didn't say anything about the other girl's appearance. "Excuse me," she said, and not at all in a polite way. She didn't even bother to take out her earbuds or even identify,who she was talking to. Dami just rested a hand on her hip, flipping her artificially-colored hair behind her shoulder partially and carelessly.