[H2]Lancer[/H2] "Whoa!" Lancer said as she strained her neck to avoid the sword. The Servant disappeared and then reappeared a meter away in short succession, almost without time lag. If they truly could be said to be moving at all, it was fast. "That was too close!" she said, rubbing her neck where the sword would have struck her. "You play some pretty mean pranks, Saber-chan. Not all of us have fancy body armor like you do. What if that had hit me and cut open my pretty little neck? Guys aren't into girls with holes in their necks, you know. Well, I guess some of them are, but those are the kinds of guys I don't wanna share my body with!" Twin spears with dagger-like tips slid out of Lancer's spacious sleeves. She pointed one at Saber. "If a fight's what you want, Saber-chan, I'd be more than happy to oblige. I'll shove my long, hard shaft into you and have you take responsibility with your body~" She licked her lips. "Is that okay, Master?" -------------- [H2]Darryl[/H2] Darryl sighed. [i]I don't see how we have a choice. This information is too valuable to pass up. Kinda ruins the dramatic exit though...[/i]