[color=af1909][h2]Lycυѕιo Vιcarιo[/h2][/color] Lycusio wanted to exclude himself from this event of Magi, but unfortunately, it seemed the servant before him had already pronounced him master. He sighed with a complex expression and nodded in acknowledgement to his fate. Lycusio quietly monitored the ebb and flow of the conversation among other masters letting out a breath of relief. That was, until some other chick ran over and started groping Saber like a very aggressive molester. Lycusio was somewhat concerned for the sake of the girl who had just pronounced her loyalty to him, but it quickly became apparent to him that she could defend herself with a sweep of her sword that looked to kill. She then asked Lycusio and his 'Lady' whether to flee or fight. Lycusio instantly tensed to the point that his pants rippled with the tremendous amounts of "Oh shit"-clenching. [color=af1909]"Ah, let's not do that, little one, fighting would be the worst case scenario for all of us."[/color] He says in a strained voice, quickly striding over while Lancer unsheathed her weapon. Gently pushing the pointed lance away from Saber, he turned to face his servant with a gracious but strenuous smile. [color=af1909]"You can regain your dignity on better circumstances, little one, let's leave for now so my slow mind can collect itself."[/color] With a steady spin on the heel, Lycusio faced Lancer and bowed apologetically, although it was fairly obvious he was well practiced to such motions. Raising his head with the same smile, he apologized, [color=af1909]"I'm sincerely sorry for this misunderstanding, please excuse us as we take our respectful leave."[/color] He muttered, backing away slowly while blocking Saber from Lancer's sight with his fairly sizable frame.