[quote=@xodus] Let me explain the confusion regarding age gaps and being students. Some character maybe older while some may be younger. The prudent duo is often close in age as the mental sync is the best, however exceptions are made. This is not a typical classroom, it is more of a military camp. Different age groups can be in the same class depending on their alchemic prowess. A young person may be in a higher class if they prove them selves capable. Now you may ask what explains an older person being in the same class? Well not all alchemists are recruited young, some alchemists are recruited at an adolescent or post adolescent age and as such skip the beginning classes and attend a crash course in the final class. All our characters will most likely be in the same class. An invigilator is someone who will observe the students through their course and exam and lend a hand here and there. These people are usually alumni who are still rookies in the field. [/quote] More importantly, how strict of a dress code is enforced?