And here is the first main NPC character!! I shall be playing with this lovable guy in the first chapter. He shall be your temporary teacher =D [b]Name:[/b] ??? [b]Title:[/b] Geko [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 46 [b]Position:[/b] Lost Number [b]Speciality:[/b] Silencer [b]Team title:[/b] None at the moment [b]Alchemic style:[/b] Motem(primary) Vocem (Secondary) [b]Code: [/b] LXIX (69) [b]Weapons:[/b] The Harpie and the Lamia: These are a pair of dual daggers, each roughly a foot long and bolstered onto his belt right above his hip. Throughout his tenure Geko has never been seen using a firearm, his weapon of choice has always been one which is silent and sharp. He also rarely ever relies on anti alchemy coating, instead Lamia is laced with a strong poison that targets the nerves (rendering one paralyzed) while Harpie is laced with a toxin which results in temporary dimension. Other than these conventional tricks, there is nothing special about his old rusty daggers. [b]Alchemy Specialization: [/b] Erase: Erase is a modified version of invisibility, a basic alchemic ability. Geko is credited with creating this form of Alchemy one which not only shrouds him from naked eyes but makes him virtually untraceable. While this ability has no offensive power, it enables complete and absolute invisibility, Geko’s very existence disappears. No foot prints, no heat signature, nothing. However the main drawback is, Geko does not disappear from the physical plane, he can be hit while he is ‘erased’. [b]Appearance:[/b] Geko’s physical appearance is a reminder of the inevitability of time, he is one who has served longer than most and his physical appearance is testament to it. Broad shoulders, a powerful voice, pristine posture; these are traits of the young, the unbent, the ignorant. LXIX’s shoulders are always drooping, unable to heave against the burdens of life. His steps are slow like shackled to weights, yet his pace never falters. His weary eyes rarely ever lift as if a man waiting for slumber to take him and yet his smile, his jovial tone, his constant laughter a testament to an oath made to himself. While he maybe shoveling the grave in which he will lie, he will not weep, he will not sigh but merely smile at the tombstone that reads, “The nameless cannot die”. Aside from physical traits, Geko wears conventional ‘Asylum’ body armor modified to adapt to his environment. It allows him a minor degree of camouflage something that he finds to be a nuisance, all he requires is a maneuverable black garb to disappear in and reappear with his blade dancing on his foe’s throat. [b]Personality:[/b] From his personality one can never assume this soldier to be a tired, weary old man; instead he comes off as quite the trouble maker. One of his defining traits is his hobby for perversion, being trained in the art of stealth; he makes excellent use of his skills in his extracurricular activities. He is infamous for having a collection of exotic assortments, trophies. However one would be a fool to view this old man on face value, for despite his insouciance his wisdom and his prowess are legendary. Not only is he regarded as a Veteran Lost Number but also as the oldest surviving Lost Number in over two centuries, for most rarely live past their thirties. However his most terrifying exploit is something else, one which has earned him a unique place within A.M.R.O. While Angel may be a Lost Number whose code is “XIII”, from the twelve Lost Numbers, Geko is the thirteenth and the only one given independent operation rights. [b]History:[/b] Revealed later.