[centre][b][color=0072bc]Full name:[/color][/b] Rachael Palmer [b][color=0072bc]Alias:[/color][/b] The Atom, Rae the Bae to her friends [b][color=0072bc]Age:[/color][/b] 23 [b][color=0072bc]Birthplace:[/color][/b] Connecticut [b][color=0072bc]Hometown:[/color][/b] Ivytown [b][color=0072bc]Appearance:[/color][/b] Despite her shrinking ability, Rae is actually somewhat tall, standing at exactly six feet. Her hair is a medium-length, dark Auburn, which matches her eye colour. She is not overly muscular, but keeps in shape enough to retain a fit physique. When she is not wearing the Atom suit, and working in her laboratory she usually wears a white lab coat over her casual clothes. [b][color=0072bc][u]Costume[/u][/color][/b] [img]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_small/10/100647/3951314-ray.jpg[/img] The Atom suit could only be described as a hybrid of a Hazmat, and a Scuba suit. Attached to the back is a compact tank filled with five hours of oxygen, emblazoned with her [url=https://tearstonegraphics.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/atomic.jpg]trademark symbol[/url]. The tank is connected to the back of her helmet by two silver tubes. The suit itself is painted with a red and blue colour scheme, as well as patches of black at the joints. The helmet encases the entirety of Rae's head, with a voice amplifier extending slightly outwards from the chin. Embedded into the front of the helmet is an orange visor that can shift in between transparency and translucency to protect her face.[/centre] [color=0072bc][b]Powers:[/b][/color] [list] [*][u][color=ed1c24]Possible Unknown Metagene:[/color][/u] Rae's physiology allows her to remain stable when she is miniaturized unlike other living things which explode after a short time of being miniaturized. She hypothesizes that her "microscopic stability" is due to some unknown metagene within her genetic makeup. [*][u][color=ed1c24]Size Alteration:[/color][/u] Rae is able to shrink her body to varying degrees - including the subatomic level - this is achieved by storing most of her mass in a pocket dimension. As the Atom, Rae can assume any size from her normal six-foot stature down to the sub-microscopic. Recently she has developed an encepholpathic grid in her helmet that allows her to shrink on command mentally for greater accessibility and swifter transitions into smaller sizes. [*][u][color=ed1c24]Flight:[/color][/u] Depending on her current size, Rae is capable of gliding on air currents and stiff breezes.[/list] [color=0072bc][b]Skills:[/b][/color] [list] [*][color=ed1c24]Judo:[/color] Rae Palmer often finds herself in situation where physical violence become necessary. As such, she has developed a proficiency in Judo. [*][color=ed1c24]Education:[/color] Rae Palmer has a degree in physics, and microbiology from Ivy University. [*][color=ed1c24]Stealth:[/color] As Rae is able to shrink out of the view of the human eye, her ability is extremely useful for stealth missions. [/list] [centre][color=0072bc][b]Brief Bio:[/b][/color] Rachael Palmer was born to a middle-classed family in Ivy Town, Connecticut, to a stable and very suited environment. Having always been a smart girl, even at a young age, she had a very bright future ahead of her, especially in math, physics, and chemistry, when she was in middle and high school. She graduated earlier than most, and was put at a National level, scholarship-wise. Every major college and university wanted her, but eventually, she humbly settled for Ivy University at her hometown, and packed her bags with a few months to spare. There she began dating law student John Loring, and majored in chemistry, forensics, and physics, and the complex studies dealing with genetics. It was around this time, as she grew older, that she began to realise what was going on around her. Crime was erratic, people died, and this was further bolstered when she was walking back to her dorm on a dark night, and a man attempted to pull her into an alley. Thankfully, Judo lessons paid off, and the man was flipped onto his back, knocked out, before he knew what hit him. As this began to pick up speed within her mind, Rae began to think of things that would help her clean the streets of her hometown... keep people safe. Having been recently investigating matter compression and nanotechnology within the safety of Harvard's funded laboratory, under the watchful eyes of professional scientists, Rae hit a breakthrough, never before seen in modern, and past, scientific achievements. The suit she was working on shrunk. Originally too small to see, but a high-powered magnification screen showed that the suit was simply subatomic. Glory was shared in the laboratory at that moment, and every single day, Rae went back to that lab, working and tinkering on the suit, enhancing its abilities. Finally, the prototype was finished and it was time to test it out. However, just as she was about to begin the test, onlookers watching, her boyfriend, John, offered to test it out. It was clear to see that he was concerned about her testing a potentially volatile piece of equipment. At first, Rae declined, not wanting him to be hurt if it backfired, but he convinced her, and she allowed him to equip the suit. The scene, not even ten minutes after, would forever be ingrained within her mind. She was stupid to allow him to try it on as the first tester. He imploded, to put it simply. His body caved in on itself, before the force of the shrinking technology proved too much, and he exploded. After that, the whole experiment was put on an indefinite hiatus, as it was proved to be too dangerous, and although deeply affected by the event, Rae didn't want to stop. She knew that there was a way for it to work...No, she knew that it [i]would[/i] work. Months passed, with her working, in secret, on streamlining some of the problems with the suit. Finally, after a while of buttering up to the Headmaster, Rae was allowed to test out the suit, again, after the failure. She equipped the suit, put on the helmet, and activated it. Exploring the testing site at the size of an ant was...well, it was really surprising, and very intriguing, to say the least. As she waved from atop of her teacher's shoulder, the crowd laughed and oohed and ahhed, Rae was proud of her achievement, although saddened that John could not be here to celebrate with her. As the days went on, she finalized the suit in its entirety, christening it the Atom suit, and finally graduated from Ivy, with a degree in Microbiology, and Physics. Her future was bright, but not in the way most thought. Although she achieved a high-paying job as a scientist with Wayne Enterprises, Rae would occasionally fought crime as the Atom. She never found out the true reason why she was the only one able to survive with the suit on, but she hypothesized that it may have been related to an unknown metagene she possessed. For now, she had to live in the present, and work on protecting the world, day after day.[/centre]