[center][b][color=ed1c24]Marius[/color][/b] | [b][color=FAEBD7]Abra[/color][/b][/center] “Hey, just because I’m a magic user does not mean that I am inept at any sort of physical labor. You should be able to understand that, considering how, well, unorthodox you are.” After a couple more seconds trying to assemble the tent, Abra placed her head in the palm of her hand and shook her head. She was a [b]magic user[/b]. Why was she trying to set up the tent with her hands when she had tools that could do it for her? Taking a step back, Abra pulled out one of her books and calmly turned the pages until she found the correct page with the particular spell that would be useful in this situation. Once she had found it, Abra just mumbled the magical words. Almost as soon as she had finished speaking these words, the pieces of the tent rose off the ground and into the air. After a few seconds of the pieces coming together, the tent was finally completed with little effort on Abra’s part. “Okay, I’m heading to bed before anyone does anything stupid. So, night!” Abra disappeared into her tent as she left Marius and Niya outside in the chilly air of the winter night. “Well.” Marius in his attempt to start some small talk, “whom do you think will get us killed first?” “If you say me, I’m going to light your tent on fire!” Marius and Niya heard a voice coming from Abra’s tent. Marius just scratched his head at this remark. Was it too late for him to move the location of his sleeping quarters?