[img]http://static.zerochan.net/Maeda.Keiji.%28Sengoku.Basara%29.full.252991.jpg[/img] Name: Mu Gender: Male Age: 25 Magic: Darkness Weapon: [hider=Nodachi] [img]http://4206e9.medialib.glogster.com/media/0c4d91817800d6c6a69ea2451a39be292deab3ade4f21f3cddaf334baf899fab/maeda-keiji-sengoku-basara-full-1005121.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Silk Umbrella] [img]http://www.kaboodle.com/hi/img/c/0/0/ea/b/AAAADN7e2MwAAAAAAOq7wQ.jpg?v=1282997761000[/img] Has a hidden blade in the handel. [/hider] [hider=Fan] [img]http://i00.i.aliimg.com/photo/v0/113430112/Japanese_Traditional_Silk_folding_fan_Pearl_Silk.jpg[/img] Fan has blades on the ends. [/hider] Personality: Mu is a fun-loving and a up-beat young man. His most gifted trait is his ability to live life as it comes, never worrying what others think of him and treasuring his own personal values. While others may see him as a simple rogue, he does have some code of personal ethic and will stand for the common people. He feels that fights should be fought fairly and doesn't condone killing innocent bystanders or weak-willed women. He also admires bravery and often feels compelled to stick up for the underdogs. Mu respects every opponent's strength and never underestimates them in the slightest. In any case, he always reasons with the men's outlook to be more true to themselves. He likes an honest person, and respects he honorable. Bio: Mu woke up with a startle. He looked around and tried to find out were he was. Being the man that he is he listened to his gut and got up to look around. He did not know who he was or what he was supposed to be doing but went with it anyways thinking that he would find out later. The moment he stood up straight a flash back struck his mind. He could remember bright white lights in some kind of hospital. This did not help him at all, it only posed more questions in his mind. But the most important was "What am I doing in this new world?" Other: Has the pet monkey. Name is Jin.