Ryou was going to be prepared! Both for himself and... Shira. He could definitely count on Kii to remember some odds-and-ends Ryou would surely over think, but Shira...Well, his teammate was a wonderful, ambitious person that Ryou couldn't too strongly depend on for things such as thinking. So, he stuffed his pack full of water bottles, questionable food his mother had made, first aid kits, extra weapons, sleeping bags, extra clothing, and even a box of matched just in case. He circled his room, pondering which of his lovely friends he should bring along on this adventure and eventually settled on his favorite. Plucking the stuffed zombie off his pillow, Ryou stuffed him all the way to the bottom of his pack. Finally, Ryou threw off his pajamas and put on some appropriate clothing. He put on some slim, black pants, a gray muscle tank, and a navy workout jacket with black pipping. It was always easier to take off extra clothing if he got hot than it was to find extra clothing if he got cold. And now Ryou was totally ready! He had gotten an amazing ten hours of sleep, dreamed of zombies, and even had indulged in a suspicious but nutritious breakfast his parents had whipped up. Although even that couldn't ruin his mood. There wasn't anything more fun than going on a mission with his team. ~~~ Freezing. Ryou was pretty sure he could feel his blood start to freezer over. He laughed a little at Kii's warning, but it was more nervous than anything. Ryou hadn't even [i]thought[/i] about freezing! He could be totally end up as a frozen statue and he wasn't one-hundred percent sure he could come back for that. Maybe? Gosh, he was going to hope. "Well, if I stop moving you'll know what happened~" He tried to joke, but this was freaking serious. He needed to remember to not turn into water because... Because he didn't really want to find out what would happen if he turned into an ice cube. "Hey, Shira-chan," Ryou started nicely. "You're awesome and stuff. Just a little warning next time about dangerous missions and freezing temperatures?" He said, friendly. Ryou knew how Shira was- everyone knew. She got an idea in her head and just had to do it. So, all he was trying to do was remind her that communication about stuff like this was pretty important. Why was Kii suggesting beating people up? "But first," Ryou insisted. "We'll have a very peaceful conversation about how discrimination is wrong~" Sometimes people didn't even realize they were discriminating. And, other times, people were just intimidated by how powerful someone like Shira could be. "After all, they're all just intimidated by your power~" Because Shira was awesome. She could kick butt and take names. You know, as long as her impulsiveness didn't get in the way..? ~~~ Ryou looked towards Kii a little sternly, as if he could tell all Kii was thinking about the nice dirt bed he might be sleeping in tonight. "What was it you were saying about discrimination..?" He whispered, smiling slightly. But he really could understand. If was different when it was someone you cared about then someone who would want to skin them alive for all they knew. But if Shira knew him and said he was alright, Ryou was trust her. Although an escape route did sound like a good plan- just in case.