Yami had Cerberus follow the group out, still holding onto the girl as well as the beast. When out of the building, he saw Joey and Tristen who were out of breath and laying on the ground, not wanting to get up for a while. Yami saw his magician and nodded to him and he vanished after a bow of his head to the former pharaoh. When they landed, Seto got off the beast as he saw Mokuba run up to him and give him a hug. Seto kneeled so he was at Mokuba's height and hugged him back. "I'm alright. A few bruises and scratches won't keep me down." He told Yugi and Mokuba. Yami looked to the girl as he examined her side. "Yugi, could you call an ambulance? This girl is hurt and needs medical attention." He got off Cerberus once the beast had lowered itself so the two could get off. Yami then picked up the girl and set her down on, sitting as he helped her lay down so the wound wouldn't get any worse.