"Heh... And here I was thinking I finally got away from it all... I was never free, was I?" Katsu asked bitterly, giving a short, curt laugh before looking away. "It's not like I have a choice in the matter do I? My own route was going to be to live how I wanted, but obviously that's not going to happen anymore. Fine... If I have to do this then I'll get it over with." At the very least he supposed he'd do his training if he must, but after that it was back to doing what he pleased. Just because he was the Avatar didn't mean he'd be behaving like a saint, not so long as he wanted to have fun and live as a thief. No doubt there would be complications in the days to come, but he did really hope he could return to that life, or at the very least something similar to it. Being consoled and told his friends should be able to handle this did little to alleviate his stress; handle it or not the fact remained the same, their lives were going to change drastically because of him. Maybe he just didn't want to deal with the guilt, but he'd prefer to go this alone than drag anyone else along with him. Talent meant jack all when you had no desire to train, he was a testament to that much. How much motivation might the others have, he wondered, once they were made to leave their homes and follow him wherever he went? That was a lousy part of it too, they basically were going to end up shadowing him, whether any of them liked it or not. "They could stay and train... Then they could protect themselves," Katsu suggested lamely, knowing even as he spoke his words were moot. The members of the White Lotus, or what formerly was the White Lotus anyways weren't pushovers; the men they had fought today must be out of practice or something, he certainly didn't think he was capable enough to take on a handful that easily. The mention of family brought a horrid realization to the Avatar: what had become of his own family? Neither of his parents had any part in this, yet if these people were after him it was only natural they may go through his mom and dad. Fearing for their lives he nearly had an episode when addressing Yakedo about it, feeling a proverbial weight lifted from his shoulders when he was reassured they were okay. Releasing the old man's shirt he nodded his head slowly, managing a faint smile as he closed his eyes, "Good... Good... I'm glad to hear that..." In the state he was in Katsu loathed to face the others, but knowing they had to be informed and given the news he couldn't well put it off. Following alongside Yakedo they made way back to the hut, pausing outside the door and looking at the handle somberly. "No, let me do it. It's my fault they're in this situation, it's only right I'm the one to tell them." Taking a deep breath Katsu opened up the door slowly, partly hoping that everyone might be asleep and he could put it off. When he stepped inside however he saw all three of them sitting there, feeling himself becoming uneasy again as they all looked at him. Sending one brief glance back at Yakedo he swallowed nervously, closing the door behind himself and forcing a smile as he stood along the wall. "Hey... So uh, about today..." he began, having to avert his gaze as he rubbed at his neck, struggling to find the words to break it to them. "Those people that attacked us, they're dangerous, and they uh... Might try coming after you, which means people might get hurt. So uh... Oh jeez..." Shaking his head disdainfully the Fire Bender let out a deep sigh, rubbing at his head before glancing between Siku and Asha respectively. "You two have to leave home and come with me! I don't even know where we'll go, but we can't stay here. Hiresh is safe, but we can't live in or near Republic city, at least for a while. I'm so sorry things worked out this way," he added, bowing down as he'd been taught as a young boy, holding the pose as he felt his eyes sting slightly again, "You can even just leave me after we get away, that's fine. I just can't let either of you stay here and be hurt because of me, so we have to leave tomorrow."