Matt stumbled over a loose keg, rolling across the deck, and grabbed onto the rail for balance. This turned out to be fortuitous, because just at that moment, the ship lurched and heeled sharply to port, and the lad's legs were suddenly dangling over the ocean. He opened his mouth to cry out, and it was suddenly filled with water, cascading off the side of the ship. He was nearly washed away, but managed to cling to the rail while the water rushed past. Matt coughed, his eyes and mouth coated with brine, and one of the sailors pulled him back onto the boat. Everything was at an angle, the sailors all clinging to ropes and rails, trying to get things right. Matt's rescuer smiled at him, and reached down to help him up. At that moment, the Siren fell back to her original position, and the kindly sailor disappeared over the side. Matt, mid thanks, stared numbly at the stormy seas, horrified by the twisted turn of fate. He tried to call, "Man Overboard," but all that came out was a weak sob.