I was told to post my character sheet here to get it approved. [center][img]http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab267/4thDegreeBabeh/Hot%20anime%20guys/redhead.jpg[/img][/center] [quote]"I will Fight for you if you fight for me!"[/quote] [center][color=00AA00][b]Username:[/b][/color][/center] [center][color=FF5555]Naton[/color][/center] [center][color=00AA00][b]Name[/b][/color][/center] [center][color=FF5555]Neito[/color][/center] [center][color=00AA00][b]Age:[/b][/color][/center] [center][color=FF5555]22[/color][/center] [center][color=00AA00][b]Gender:[/b][/color][/center] [center][color=FF5555]Male[/color][/center] [center][color=00AA00][b]Country of Origin[/b][/color][/center] [center][color=FF5555]Naranai[/color][/center] [center][color=00AA00][b]Weapons[/b][/color][/center] [center][color=FF5555]Kesshite Nibuidesu An ancient Demascus Steel Blade passed down through the family from father to son. The blade is sharp enough to slice a piece of falling silk in half and strong enough to split stones without dulling.[/color][/center] [center][img]http://www.wired.com/images_blogs/photos/uncategorized/2008/01/11/tipusword2.png[/img][/center] [center][color=00AA00][b]Pokemon:[/b][/color][/center] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/ea/af/ee/eaafee47f306fd3e73ea8ded137a845c.jpg[/img][/center] [center][color=FF5555]Burūfokkusu Shiny Ninetales Female Fire Blast, Inferno, Extrasensory, Faint Attack Because Burūfokkusu was given to Neito as a child, she shares a very strong bond with him. She is protective, loyal, and Brave[/color][/center] [center][img]http://ovicio.com.br/wp-content/uploads/umbreon.jpg[/img][/center] [center][color=FF5555]Kageneko Umbreon Male Pursuit, Shadow Ball, Assurance, Natural Gift Neito found Kageneko when he was looking for food. Kageneko was badly injured and Neito brought him back to health. Now Kageneko is loyal to Neito but is suspicious of other humans and will often eye them until he is sure that they are not a threat.[/color][/center] [center][color=00AA00][b]Appearance:[/b][/color][/center] [center][color=FF5555]Hight: 5'6" Hair: Long Sleek Dark Red Eyes: Piercing Green Weight: 150 lbs Tattoo: Royal Family Crest of Naranai on Right upper bicep.[/color][/center] [center][color=00AA00][b]Personality[/b][/color][/center] [center][color=FF5555]Neito Is a strong willed individual. He is thought out, meticulous, and patient ,but because of his past, if he sees any one's bad intentions then he becomes impulsive and irrational.[/color][/center] [center][color=00AA00][b]Short Biography[/b][/color][/center] [center][color=FF5555]Neito was born into the Royal Nobility of Naranai. Once he reached four years of age he was given a shiny Vulpix named Burūfokkusu as a protector. At the age of seven he began to learn royal combat and mastered it at the age of Twelve. One year later he received the royal crest to signify his claim to the thrown and his ascent into his teen years. When he reached sixteen his Vulpix was evolved to a Nintails. Two months after his sixteenth birthday the Kings younger brother forced a Coup D'Etat onto the king and was successful. Once the brother became king, he issued a decree stating that the previous king and all of his family were to be executed. After hearing this the former king gave his sward, Nibuidesu, to Neito along with a healthy sum of money and told him to run. Since then Neito has been wandering from country to country fighting anyone he views as corrupt.[/color][/center] [center][color=00AA00][b]Other:[/b][/color][/center] [center][color=FF5555]Theme song:[/color][/center] [center][color=0000AA]Crossing Field[/color][/center] [center][color=FF5555]Neito can survive on small amounts of food for long periods of time. He also has an extraordinary sense for fighting.[/color][/center]