[quote=@SlamJamcity] In this world I imagine it would be more like magic. Mostly because it actually works here unlike in the real world. [/quote] [quote=@Spriggs27] Man it's anything nowadays, hell just putting bees in a jar is considered Alchemy, well by dragon age standards. [/quote] I'm sticking my D&D veteran's nose on this discussion to say that in this kind of setting Alchemy is actually part-magic/part-science. You do a lot of chemistry related stuff, really, but some concoctions aren't possible without the use of magic. That's why on D&D you had to be able to cast magic to do some alchemical stuff. As long as [@TheWindel] agrees I think it's the best approach to take. EDIT: I appreciate the Absolute One's almighty thumbs up. *bows in reverence*