Alexavier seemed troubled by the possibility of Vata's speculation being true. As he suggested that they try to gather some more information, or even try to find someone else in this frozen wasteland, someone interrupted him. [i]I would be happy to acquiesce your request![/i] said someone with a deep, jovial voice. Vata turned around to see who it came from, and it seemed to be a man who was dressed much better for the weather than they were, but the clothes he wore were of unfamiliar make, and he did not seem to be making any attempt to hide his face from the cold. Standing behind him were three more men, each in gear of similar make, but with faces concealed and were holding objects that reminded him of guns, but they seemed far too small for that. Whatever they were, none of the men seemed to mean them any harm. When the man noticed that he had their attention, he addressed himself to Alexavier and Vata. [i]My name is Twain. I am here on a mission to figure out…well…what the hell is going on here. Do you think that either of you could clue me in on that one?[/i] Vata shrugged. "You may call me Vata, and neither of us here know where we are, or why we're here. By any chance, do you have any answers to the former? You seem to have come prepared for this accursed cold, something that we did not have the chance to do."