Lee pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed in fusturation. It was abit to early to start a fight, yet Lancer went ahead and started one. In retaliation of Lancers actions, Saber called upon the Code of Chivalry, and demanded a fight with Lancer. Lee was sure that Japanese Samurai were not bound by the same code, Bushido was it? Lee was not sure, again, his knowledge of Japanese history was abit lacking. Saber swiftly brought out her Noble Phantasm and pointed it at Lancer's neck. Lee made no move to stop her, or to warn Lancer. He remembered the Master of Caster's words, he had proclaimed that he was leaving, yet they had stayed. It made sense, with the break out of a fight, they could observe, they were already able to get a look at Saber's Noble Phantasm. Lee looked back at Lancer in time to see her retaliate by bringing out her spears, adding some provocative comments in as she did. [color=SlateBlue]"Lancer, back off."[/color] Lee, raking his hand through his hair exasperatedly. Thankfully, it seemed that the Master of Saber was on Lee's side in this matter. He had successfully calmed Saber down, since her blade dissaperaed. Lee sighed, that was too stressful for him, hopefully this would not happen to often. He was surprised to see Saber's Master apologize to Lancer, Lee had a new found respect for the Master. It even moved Lee to pity him when his Servant reveled her true identity, Charlemagne. Lee would have never guessed that he was a her, history seemed to get a lot of things wrong. [color=SlateBlue]"Lancer, were leaving."[/color] Lee said simply as he walked out the barn door. [color=SlateBlue]"Oh, and one more thing, Master of Berserker, I would like to propose and alliance if you so please."[/color] Lee said before he left once and for all. Lee's boots sunk into the soft grass, a feeling the Lee wasn't used to. The first rays of the sun began peeking over the mountains, which meant that he had spent the night here. The scent of cooked meat filled his nostrils, instantly making his mouth water. Because of his kidnapping, he had missed dinner last night. [i]The family is going to be concerned if I don't contact them. I needed to get organized.[/i] Lee thought to himself. Lee walked towards the village, as he made his way towards the settlement, he could sense the ebb of magic in the air, Eastern Magic to be specific. From the hill Lee could see almost the whole town, there was a concentration of mana at a building not to far from the Inn. It was a Boundary Field that was extremely advanced, but not beyond comprehension. This quiet town was about to get a lot of action.