Archer raised an eyebrow. [color=goldenrod]'[i]Sister, hm? Such games we play. I have never been a sister. I wonder, how does it work? Should I--[/i]'[/color] Suddenly, the woman was broken from her thoughts, but the rumbling of her stomach. [color=goldenrod]"Brother. I wish to end my fast brought by travel. I require meat!"[/color] she says, boisterously. [color=goldenrod]"Fish. Pork. Such things have great purpose in my diet,"[/color] she says, adding, [color=goldenrod]"wheat breads with cheese and dried figs, as well!"[/color] A true Athlete's Diet, if the method still stood in this day and age. [color=goldenrod]"And, much wine!"[/color] Archer added, hastily. [color=goldenrod]"Would be a tragedy to dine without."[/color]