Zivon had a very interesting morning really, something that he really not expect to do....he touched his bandaged on his head and right eye, it was recent and looked very fresh. He sighed out, he really didn't want to do that but he been really...depressed even after yesterday meeting someone familiar he was still depressed. As he heard knocking out side his door. Slowly he approached the door and opened it to see a familiar figure outside. Snakes...Andromeda..., he looked up at her a bit confused, no one really ever visits him at all and seeing her brought back...uneasy emotions. Though he gave out a small friendly smile, he was trying to be okay in front of her, he didn't want her to see his sadness at all. There was silt a lot of pain in his heart that he wasn't able to get over with yet not much people know...he tried to be strong in front of them so they won't know. Ziv stared back at her, it must be kinda shocking to see him ;like this. Wheelchair, bandages at his head and neck...he down a lot... "O-Oh...h...hi..."