- Andromeda - "Hi Zivon" her voice was quiet, she didn't talk much anymore so she wasn't very loud anymore. she almost cleared her throat but thought better of it and smiled "it's nice to see you" she noticed all the bandages but felt like she shouldn't mention it. her snakes perked a little at the sight of someone familiar. she wanted to make a joke, she almost said it then stopped herself, instead she figured she should get to the point, "um, i wish i could say this was a social visit, but something seems to be happening and i've been left completely out of the loop, i figured since you're my friend" she suddenly blushed a little "at least i hope you're my friend, but don't feel obligated to be my friend, cause you don't have to..." she realized she was babbling and sighed "sorry, um ..." she cleared her throat and raised her voice a little "i was wondering if you could tell me what's going on?"