Talon was kept busy hacking up MRD agents. Wolverine made his way deeper into the compound. He found the the resistance to be lighter than expected. He kept his guard up, nevertheless. He counted only a dozen guards in the corridors and a few noncombatives in medical examination rooms and offices. He reached what he thought was the command center. "So this is where you kept all the guards." He motioned for them to come at him. He killed the first guard to approach. He took the guards grenade belt he pulled the pins on all of the grenades and threw the belt at the supercomputer along the left wall. The explosion took out a several agents and destroyed the supercomputer. He began fighting agents. "Supercomputer is destroyed." Numerous sounds of pained grunts, and screams of agony can be heard. "That should take down most security measures. Sentinels won't be effected though."